المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نموذج لترجمة عقد زواج عراقي

دحام محمد عبيد
29/10/2006, 05:23 PM
هذة ترجمة لعقد زواج عراقي يرجى من الاخوة الكرام الاعضاء المهتمين بالترجمة إبداء الراي والمشورة
In the Name of Allah the Most Griseous the Most Merciful
((And among his signs is this , that He created you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.))

Supreme Judicial Court Republic of Iraq
Presidency of Babylon Court of Appeal Ministry of Justice Civil Status Court in Register No:
Date: / /


That is I, the judge at Civil Status Court in Hillah, Mr,………….. have registered the following :
Attended before me each of Mr …………….. ,the husband and Miss, ………….. the wife , as their safety from diseases pursuant to the two medical reports is supported , and after assuring and confirming their personalities vide their Identity Cards , the existence of the both satisfaction and acceptance , then marriage had been made between them upon a dowry (advanced) equal to ……………millions Iraqi Dinars(ID) - received , and (postponed ) equal to ………… millions Iraqi Dinars - remaining as a liability to the wife with the husband upon demand and availability. Therefore , this contract had been made and registered on / /.

Judge :

( Signature)
Official Stamp - Ministry of justice – Civil Status Court - Iraq.

Civil Status Identity


Register :
Sheet :
Governorate :
Birth :
Marital Status :

translated by : Daham Mohammed Al Jourani
This Translation is just for use abroad ___ Not for Republic of Iraq Ministry of Justice

Wasel Abou Damaa
30/10/2006, 07:21 AM
الاخ الفاضل الاستاذ دحام،
نشكرك على هذه التقدمه، و بارك الله بجهودك. و لكن هناك بعض الهفوات الصغيرة أحببت أن أنوه عنها في العقد و هي معلمة باللون الاحمر،
جزاك الله عنا كل خير

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

"And among His signs is this , that He created to you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect."

Supreme Judicial Court
Republic of Iraq
Presidency of Babylon
Court of Appeal Ministry of Justice
Civil Status Court in
Register No.:
Date: / /


That is I, the judge at Civil Status Court in Hillah, Mr.……….. ,have registered the following :
Attended before me each of Mr. …………….. ,the husband and Miss, ………….., the wife , as their safety from diseases is supported pursuant to the two medical reports, and after assuring and confirming their personalities vide their Identity Cards , the existence of the both satisfaction and acceptance, then marriage had been made between them upon an advanced dowry (equals to ……………millions Iraqi Dinars(ID) – received by the agreement of both parties, and ( a postponed (equals to ………… millions Iraqi Dinars) - remaining as a liability to the wife with the husband upon demand and availability. Therefore, this contract has been solemnized accordingly and registered on / /.

Judge ): Signature)
Official Stamp - Ministry of justice – Civil Status Court - Iraq.

Civil Status Identity

Register :
Sheet :
Governorate :
Birth :
Marital Status:

Wasel Abou Damaa
30/10/2006, 07:22 AM
الاخ الفاضل الاستاذ دحام،
نشكرك على هذه التقدمه، و بارك الله بجهودك. و لكن هناك بعض الهفوات الصغيرة أحببت أن أنوه عنها في العقد و هي معلمة باللون الاحمر،
جزاك الله عنا كل خير

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

"And among His signs is this , that He created to you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect."

Supreme Judicial Court
Republic of Iraq
Presidency of Babylon
Court of Appeal Ministry of Justice
Civil Status Court in
Register No.:
Date: / /


That is I, the judge at Civil Status Court in Hillah, Mr.……….. ,have registered the following :
Attended before me each of Mr. …………….. ,the husband and Miss, ………….., the wife , as their safety from diseases is supported pursuant to the two medical reports, and after assuring and confirming their personalities vide their Identity Cards , the existence of the both satisfaction and acceptance, then marriage had been made between them upon an advanced dowry (equals to ……………millions Iraqi Dinars(ID) – received by the agreement of both parties, and ( a postponed (equals to ………… millions Iraqi Dinars) - remaining as a liability to the wife with the husband upon demand and availability. Therefore, this contract has been solemnized accordingly and registered on / /.

Judge ): Signature)
Official Stamp - Ministry of justice – Civil Status Court - Iraq.

Civil Status Identity

Register :
Sheet :
Governorate :
Birth :
Marital Status:[/align]

سعد السيد
10/09/2007, 08:38 AM
أين النص باللغة العربية ؟

سعد السيد

كفاح لبدة
09/12/2007, 02:21 AM
أيها الأخ الفاضل كنت أتمنى أن ترفقها بالنص الأصلي كما أفاد الأخ الكريم سفير وتا في دبي سعد السيد. مع العلم بأن الفقرة الأولى معروفة ونشكر الأخ واصل على اصلاح بعض الأخطاء ومن الواضح أنه يملك النص الأصلي اذا لم أكن مخطئا. بارك الله بكم.

24/09/2008, 07:26 PM
جهد طيب ومشكور اخي الحبيب
ونرجو المزيد من الاجتهاد واستغلال الملكات والمواهب اكثر واكثر
احمد الرملي

علي الكعبي
25/11/2008, 09:30 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اشكرك اخي على هذا المجهود و يا حبذا لو ارفقت النسخة العربيه مع الترجمه... بارك الله فيك

شهلاء رشيد
15/02/2009, 10:48 PM
الاخوة الاعزاء الاخ دحام والاخwasel
شكرا على جهودكم ونتمنى تزويدنا بالمزيد من النصوص المترجمه وياحبذا لو تكون مرفقه بالنسخ العربية
والله يكثر من امثالكم:vg:

طه عرفه
20/02/2009, 04:25 AM
صحيح فين اللغة العربية ؟

طه عرفه

سليم خضير جبر
17/05/2010, 12:36 AM
الأخ دحام محمد عبيد
... بعد التحية والشكر على ما تفضلتم به من جهد ... لي ملاحظة بسيطة وهي ترجمة عقد زواج كعنوان فأرجو تغييرها الى

لطيف شريف
29/08/2015, 11:48 PM
هذا هو النص المعتمد تقريبا في المحاكم العراقية :

In the Name of God
Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Justice Reg. No.1905/1993
Court of Personal Affairs in ---------- Date: 18-9-1993

Marriage contract
I, the Judge of Court of Personal Status in --------- ( Mr. ----------- ) , registered the following :
Came before me ( Mr. -------- ) & ( Miss. ---- ) whose safety from diseases is confirmed by the two submitted medical reports, and after ascertaining their identities and the occurrence of acceptance and consent between them , marriage was concluded between them on a dowry, its advance is : (twenty thousand dinars ) and its postponed is ( twenty thousand dinars ) due from husband upon ( wealth and demand ). The marriage contract was registered on 18-9-1993.

The Judge
Identity Cards
The husband The wife
I.D No.: I.D No. :
Register :455 Register :455
Page :90829 Page :90818
Governorate : Governorate :
Birth date:1973 Birth date:1962

*The document bears two signed seals of Court of Personal Affairs in.
Note: Information Office should be notified of marriage & divorce contract within three months as of contract date

NOTE :This document is translated from the original Arabic copy into English by AMEER Doshi Jassim, member of IRAQI TRANSLATION ASSOCIATION, I.D 228, graduated from College of Arts ,Baghdad University, 1984. I am competent to translate the above-mentioned document completely and accurately to the best of my knowledge.
Tel; 07802879541. E-mail; alaadoshi@yahoo.com
Signature date;