السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته إخواني الأعزاء

في هذه الصفحة المتواضعة سأحاول جاهدا نقل عبارات وجمل دينية إسلامية ووضع مقابل لها في اللغة الإنجليزية، وكل ذلك سأنقله من موقع إسلام سؤال وجواب والمواقع الإسلامية المتخصصة في الدين، وذلك حتى تعم الفائدة لمن يهمه أمر الترجمة الدينية حتى نكون على دراية تامة بالكلمات الدينية الإسلامية وما يقابلها في اللغة الإنجليزية، لنبدأ على بركة الله:

قال الذهبي رحمه الله في ترجمة ابن حزم من "السير" (18/186-187) :

" نشأ في تنعم ورفاهية ،
He grew up in luxury and ease,

ورُزِق ذكاء مفرطا ،

and was blessed with extreme

وذهنا سيالا ،
and quick-wittedness,

وكتبا نفيسة كثيرة ،
and he owned many precious books

وكان والده من كبراء أهل قرطبة ،

His father was one of the prominent figures of Qurtubah,

عمل الوزارة في الدولة العامرية ،
who served as a vizier in the ‘Aamiri state,

وكذلك وزر أبو محمد في شبيبته ،
and Abu Muhammad was also a vizier of that state when he was young

وكان قد مهر أولا في الأدب
He initially became prominent in the fields of literature,

والأخبار والشعر ،

history and poetry,

وفي المنطق وأجزاء الفلسفة
as well as mantiq (dialectics) and other branches of philosophy,

، فأثرت فيه تأثيرا
which left its mark on him

ليته سلم من ذلك ،
and we wish that it had never had an impact on him

ولقد وقفت له على تأليف

I came across a book of his

يحض فيه على الاعتناء بالمنطق
in which he encouraged study of mantiq (dialectics)ç

، ويقدمه على العلوم
and give it precedence over other branches of knowledge,

، فتألمت له ،
and I felt sad for him,

فإنه رأس في علوم الاسلام ،
because he is prominent in the Islamic sciences,

متبحر في النقل
with a great knowledge of hadith reports,

، عديم النظير ؛

and he has no equal,

على يُبْس فيه ،

even though he is rigid in his thinking

وفرط ظاهرية في الفروع لا الأصول .

and extremely literalist in minor issues, although not in the fundamentals

قيل : إنه تفقه أولا للشافعي
It was said that he studied the Shaafa‘i doctrine first,

، ثم أداه اجتهاده إلى القول بنفي القياس
then his research led him to adopt the view that using analogy (qiyaas) is invalid

كله جليه وخفيه ،

in all cases, whether it is clear or implied,

والأخذ بظاهر النص وعموم الكتاب والحديث ،

and that the apparent meaning of the text and the general meaning of the Qur’an and hadith should be followed

وصنف في ذلك كتبا كثيرة ،
He wrote many books on that,

وناظر عليه ،

and he debated with others to prove his point,

وبسط لسانه وقلمه ،

and he argued his point at length,
both verbally and in writing

ولم يتأدب مع الائمة في الخطاب ،
He did not show respect to the imams (leading scholars) when debating;

بل فجَّج العبارة ،
rather he used rough words,

وسب وجدَّع ،

impugning and slandering,

فكان جزاؤه من جنس فعله ،
and his recompense suited his action

بحيث إنه أعرض
عن تصانيفه جماعة من الائمة ،
to the extent that many leading scholars shunned his books

وهجروها ، ونفروا منها ،

and ignored them, and warned others against them,

وأحرقت في وقت ،

and on one occasion they were burned

واعتنى بها آخرون من العلماء ،
But other scholars took an interest in his books,

وفتشوها انتقادا واستفادة ،
and they examined them, critiqued them and benefited from them;

وأخذا ومؤاخذة ،
they learned from them and criticised them,

ورأوا فيها الدر الثمين ممزوجا في الرصف بالخرز المهين ،

and they saw in them precious pearls mixed with cheap beads

فتارة يطربون ، ومرة يعجبون ،
Sometimes they would be excited and amazed,

ومن تفرده يهزؤون .
then they would mock some of his idiosyncratic ideas

وفي الجملة فالكمال عزيز ،
In general, perfection is something extremely rare

وكل أحد يؤخذ من قوله ويترك ،
and the view of any individual is subject to acceptance or rejection,

إلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم .

except the Messenger of Allah

وكان ينهض بعلوم جمة ،
Ibn Hazm was well versed in many branches of knowledge,

ويجيد النقل ، ويحسن النظم والنثر .

including hadith, and he excelled in writing both poetry and prose

وفيه دين وخير ،

He was sincerely devoted and there was much goodness in him;

ومقاصده جميلة ، ومصنفاته مفيدة ،

his aims were good and his books are useful

وقد زهد في الرئاسة ،

He showed no interest in positions of leadership;

ولزم منزله مكبا على العلم
he stayed in his house, focusing on knowledge

، فلا نغلو فيه ،
Therefore we should not exaggerate about him

ولا نجفو عنه ،
or undermine him or his status

وقد أثنى عليه قبلنا الكبار
Rather he was praised by senior scholars before us

الظن أكذب الحديث
suspicion is the falsest of speech

إلا أن يبدو منه خلاف ذلك
This applies unless he actually does something that is contrary to that

إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ
Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the falsest of speech

وَلَا تَحَاسَدُوا وَلَا تَبَاغَضُوا
do not envy one another; do not hate one another

وَلَا تَدَابَرُوا وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ إِخْوَانًا
do not turn away from one another. Be, O slaves of Allah, brothers.”

اِحْذَرُوا اِتِّبَاع الظَّنّ
Beware of suspicion

أَوْ اِحْذَرُوا سُوء الظَّنّ
beware of following suspicion or beware of negative thinking

وَالظَّنّ تُهْمَة تَقَع فِي الْقَلْب بِلَا دَلِيل
for suspicion is an accusation that comes to mind without any evidence

إذا بلغك عن أخيك الشيء تنكره
If you hear something about your brother that you dislike

فالتمس له عذر واحدا إلى سبعين عذرا
then look for excuses for him, from one to seventy excuses

فإن أصبته ، وإلا قل : لعل له عذرا لا أعرفه
if you find an excuse for him (all well and good), otherwise say: Perhaps he has an excuse that I do not know of

حرصا على سلامة القلوب من البغضاء
striving to keep hearts free of resentment

ورغبة في جمع الكلمة والتعاون على الخير
and aiming to bring about unity and co-operation in doing good

لا تظن بكلمة صدرت من أخيك شرا وأنت تجد لها في الخير محملا
Do not think badly of any word uttered by your brother when you can find a good interpretation for it

فكُلْ من طعام أخيك ، واشرب من شرابه
So eat and drink from what your brother offers you

حتى يتبين لك خلاف ذلك بدليل واضح
unless you see clear proof to the contrary

أو بظن غالب
or you think it most likely that that is the case

تساعد عليه قرائن الأحوال
on the basis of corroborating evidence

اليقين لا يزول بالشك
Certainty cannot be dispelled by doubt

الْيَقِينُ فِي اللُّغَةِ : الْعِلْمُ وَإِزَاحَةُ الشَّكِّ
Yaqeen (certainty) from a linguistic point of view means having knowledge, dispelling doubt

وَتَحْقِيقُ الأَمْرِ
understanding a matter as it is;

، وَهُوَ نَقِيضُ الشَّكِّ

it is the opposite of doubt

وَالْيَقِينُ فِي اصْطِلاحِ الْفُقَهَاءِ
Yaqeen (certainty) according to the scholars

هُوَ جَزْمُ الْقَلْبِ بِوُقُوعِ الشَّيْءِ ، أَوْ عَدَمِ وُقُوعِهِ
means reassurance in the heart that something did or did not happen

اليقين عامة هو اعتماد البرهان الجلي
Certainty (yaqeen) in general means basing one’s view on clear evidence

فيما يعرض للإنسان من الأمور العلمية والعملية جميعها
with regard to whatever man may be faced with of academic or practical issues

ونبذ الشك وطرح الوسواس
and casting aside doubts and speculation

العقل المنحط عن منزلة الإنسانية
his intellect is less than human

ومن لم يقم بحق العبودية لله
Whoever does not submit truly as a slave to Allaah

بل استكبر عن عبادته
but is too proud to worship Him

فهو مستنكف عن عبادة الله
He is refusing to worship Allaah

فإنه مستحق لأشد العقوبات
He deserves the most severe punishment

هو أعظم الخطايا البشرية
the most serious of human sins

وأقبح الاعتقادات
the most abhorrent of beliefs

، وأسوء الانحرافات
and the worst deviation

ومن كان كذلك فلا قيمة لأي عمل خيري يعمله
If a person is like this, there is no value in any good deed that he does

أليس معقولا أنه يستحق العقاب ؟
Does it not make sense that he should be punished

ولا قيمة إلى إحسانه إلى الكلاب
and that his good treatment of dogs should not count for anything

فأعظم الحقوق حق الله
The most important rights are the rights of Allaah

فالمضيّع لهذا الحق العظيم
The one who neglects this most important right

لا ينفعه ما يقوم به من حقوق الناس

will not benefit from anything he does with regard to people’s rights

قد يثاب على إحسانه برزق في الدنيا من مطعم ومشرب
He may be rewarded for his good deeds by being granted provision of food and drink in this world

وهذا قول سوء قبيح .
This is a bad and abhorrent statement

لتعظيمه للسنة وطريقها ،
because of his veneration for the Sunnah

وحضه على اتباعها

and his encouragement to people to follow it

وترك ما خالفها ،
and shun that which went against it

وإن كان قد أخطأ بعض تفاصيلها
However he was mistaken in some details

وقال علماء اللجنة الدائمة :
The scholars of the Standing Committee said: ç

" من العلماء المبرزين في الأصول ، والفروع ،
he was one of the prominent scholars of both fundamentals and minor issues,

إلا أنه خالف جمهور أهل العلم
but he disagreed with the majority of scholars

في مسائل كثيرة
in many issues,

أخطأ فيها الصواب ؛
in which he was mistaken,

لجموده على الظاهر
because of his rigid adherence to the apparent meaning

، وعدم قوله بالقياس الجلي

and his refusal to accept clear analogy

المستوفي للشروط المعتبرة ،
that fulfilled the conditions

وخطأه في العقيدة
His mistakes with regard to beliefs,

وبالجملة :
To sum up: ç

مما جعل كثير من أهل العلم

which made many of the scholars

يتنقصه ويغمزه في عقيدته –
criticise him and highlight his mistakes in beliefs,

كما تقدم
as explained above

وحرفت لتوافق الأهواء والمشارب ،
and distorted to suit people’s desires and ideas

وضد الهزل ،
which is the opposite of frivolity

وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور ،
Beware of newly invented things,

فإن كل بدعة ضلالة
for every innovation (bid’ah) is a going astray.”1

وإن من أهم الخصال
One of the most important characteristics

التي امتازت بها تلك القرون المفضلة ،
by which those first generations were distinguished