السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وجدت صعوبة شديدة لدخول المنتدى خلال الفترة الأخيرة وجئت اليوم متسللة خوفًا من ألا اتمكن من الدخول اليوم أيضًا، خاصة مع مواجهتي لمصطلح أحتاج إلى ترجمة له وهو :

Trimmed Mean CPI

في ويكيبيديا جاء ما يلي:

There are also other types of measuring inflation rates. In the United States the Dallas Federal Reserve computes a trimmed mean PCE price index, which separates "noise" and "signal". This is trimmed at 19.4% at the lower tail end and 25.4% at the upper tail. The Cleveland Federal Reserve computes a Median CPI and a 16% trimmed mean CPI. Trimmed means that the highest rises and declines in prices are trimmed by a certain percentage, attributing to a more accurate measurement on core inflation. In relation to this, the Median CPI is usually higher than the trimmed figures for both PCE and CPI. There also is a median PCE, but is not used for any purpose in determining inflation.

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