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محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

آخـــر الـــمـــشـــاركــــات

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النتائج 1 إلى 7 من 7

الموضوع: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

  1. #1
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Shar7 محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعياخوانى اعضاء المنتدى الكرام سبق لى ان نقلت لكم موضوع وعنوانة (دروس مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة)ارجوا ان يكون قد نال اعجابكم وافادكم كما اشكر الاخوة الذين ردوا على موضوعى
    أسف على تأخيرى فى اضافة موضوعات جديدة
    ان شاء الله اليوم اكتب اليكم هذا الموضوع وارجوا من الله ان يكون مفيداً
    استحلفكم بالله ارجوا منكم على موضوعى

    The theoretical part :

    What is translation ?
    Translation : is a skill that feeds upon several branches of linguistic and non linguistic knowledge .
    Non linguistic knowledge is the knowledge of culture and society . So , it is a socio-culture knowledge .
    The test of these branches transpires in a translator's performance when interpreting or translating .
    You can see the aptitude () of the translator throughout his translation because it expresses his knowledge of the two backgrounds .
    Translation is also said to be an art . That is why a highly skillful person in two languages cannot necessarily be a skillful translator . Linguistic knowledge in two languages is essential ; but socio-cultural educational and general knowledge are quite basic for good translation .
    Actually , translation is an art because when you translate a text from a source language (SL) into a target language (TL), you are reproducing this text .
    So , as it is a reproducing process , then it is a creative job and it shows your own creativity .
    It is said that a good translation is one that does not sound like a translation cannot be good if it is not a perfect match of the originally produced or created text . the original text is ideal one be it good or bad in style or content . The translated text is a mere reproduction rather than an original product . We conclude that translation is a reproduction process . But it is not any kind of reproduction . The reproduced message in the target language (TL) should be the closest to the message in the source language semantically first and stylistically second .
    What does ' semantically ' mean ? it means (من حيث المعنى).
    What should go hand in hand with the closeness of the target message to the source message is its being natural and dynamic at the same time .
    إذا ... يجب أن تكون الترجمة :
    أقرب ما يكون إلى الأصل .
    أن تكون طبيعية بحيث لا نشعر بوجود التكلف في الترجمة .
    أن تكون عملية أي أننا لا نترجم إلى اللغة القديمة مثلا .
    They say " translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source language message , first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style .
    So , what comes first in translation is meaning .
    Reproducing : the main task before a translator is a reproduction one . reproduction , of curse , requires adjustment grammatically and stylistically .
    When we want to translate from on language into another , can we preserve the grammar , can we preserve the style ?
    Of curse we cannot because it is a different language and we have different grammar . So , what we can preserve is just the meaning .

    The major characteristics of translation :
    a. Equivalence :
    - Equivalence means to give the message .
    When you translate , you art not supposed to translate word by word ; you are supposed to give the equivalence (المقابل) . Like when we say (كان يا ما كان) and we translate it "once upon time " .
    b. Naturalness :
    When we translate a sentence in the source language , it should give the same impression in the target language .
    Of course , this could differ from one language to another and from culture to another ; this is because what could be like a joke for you , could not be a joke for another person from a different culture .
    c. Dynamicness :
    Dynamic means means ( أن تكون عمليا في ترجمتك).
    When we translate a formal letter , how do we translate " your excellency " ? we translate it as (سعادتك) but we don't translate it as (أنت) . Although both of them have the same meaning , you need to preserve the soul of the text and to be dynamic at the same time .
    يجب أيضا أن نكون طبيعيين في ترجمتنا فهذا جزء من الديناميكية . إذ أن التكلف قد يخلق سوء فهم .
    We judge translation through naturalness , closeness and through dynamicness .

    - " Translation : past and present : "
    Actually , translation is a very old job . it is not something new , but what is different is that translators in the past used to focus in the form and forget about the content . they used to be grateful in the word , in rhyme and in allegories (مجاز) .
    So , they used to be very skilful in the language , but that used to be on the account of the meaning . So, they used to neglect the meaning and focus on form and style . But translation nowadays has shifted .
    Translators nowadays focus on the meaning and that is what we meant when we said , " Translation is to give the equivalence . "
    يعني أصبح التركيز الآن على المعنى وليس على الشكل وله1ا قلنا أن غاية الترجمة هي إعطاء المقابل وليس إعطاء التطابق .
    Let us read some lines about that from the book .
    Translator nowadays are mainly interested in their readership and their response. The aim of translating is to make the translated text understood by and clear to the target readers . Such understanding or clarity has to match , as far as possible , what readers of the original text understand . Companies , for example , as finally put it , when trying to advertise their products world wide , have to study the reactions of target text receivers before actually translating their ads .
    So , many companies need to consult the native speakers when they advertise because different cultures understand different concepts differently . The same thing that might be good for you can be bad for the others .
    A good example for this is the understanding of the symbol of the owl (البومة) in both English and Arabic cultures .
    مثلا في الثقافة العربية البومة هي رمز للشؤم أما في الثقافة الإنكليزية فهي رمز للحكمة .
    Let us move to (page 11) and read some lines .
    It goes without saying that in order to preserve the content of the message , the from is usually affected . The ideal situation is to preserve both .
    That's enough for the theoretical part .

    The problematic words :

    Open your books on (page 117 ):

    • Ability , capacity :

    We translate "ability" as (مقدرة) . Also , when you come to the word "capacity" , we translate it as (استطاعة) . They are almost the same , but the difference is in connotation .
    The connotation of ability :
    • Ability implies a physical power . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to walk for ten hours "
    • Ability implies a mental power . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to solve the problem ?
    • The third implication is financial ability . For example :
    - I have the ability to buy a car .
    Which means :
    ( I have the financial ability to buy a car ? )
    • The last implication is legal ability . For example :
    - I have the ability to sign for him .
    Meaning :
    ( I have the authority to sign for him . )

    The connotation of capacity :
    Capacity is different in the sense that it refers to what could be held and absorbed (يتسع ل) . For example :
    - The capacity of the hotel is 100 person .
    - The capacity of the elevator is 100 k.g .
    So , we use capacity with absorbance .
    The prepositions that come with ability :
    Actually , the preposition that come after ability are mainly governed by what comes after "ability" . For example :
    - Ability in physics .
    - Ability with languages .
    - Ability at riding horses .
    We have an expression for the word "capacity" which is not in your book . It is " in my capacity as " . It means (بصفتي) .
    For example :
    - In my capacity as a teacher , I advise you to do so and so .
    Do you think that these prepositions match ability or match the word that comes after ability ?
    Student : I think it depends on the word that comes after ability .
    Professor : yes , exactly .
    Another thing we have to know about ability is that it is often followed by an infinitive . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to solve the problem ? 
    - Do you have the ability of solving the problem ? 
    Student : can we say " ten hours of work is above my capacity ? "
    Professor : yes , you can .
    Student : and can we say " To sign this document is above my capacity ? "
    Professor : you have to say " To sign this document is out of my capacity . "
    The preposition that come with capacity :
    We have two preposition used with capacity which are (for) and (of) . For example :
    - Capacity for ten persons ….
    - Capacity of ten persons ….
    Let me summarize these points in few lines :
     Ability :
    1- We use it for : physical power .
    Mental power .
    Financial power .
    Legal power .
    2- The preposition after it depend on the word that comes after ' ability ' .
    3- We don't use gerund after ' ability ' ; we use an infinitive .
     Capacity :
    1- We use with absorbance .
    2- We use two preposition after it : (for) or (of) .

    • Acknowledge , admit :

    1- So , we use ' acknowledge ' after : denial (إنكار) .
    Reluctance (إحجام) .
    2- We use ' admit in case of : Pressure
    Duress (تهديد,احتجاز,قسر)

    • Admit , allow :

    1- So , the difference between ' admit ' and ' allow ' is that ' admit ' implies ( force , pressure , duress ) , but ' allow ' doesn't imply any force r pressure .
    2- We use the preposition (to) with ' admit ' , but it is optional .
    3- We use with ' allow ' the relative pronoun ' that ' instead of the preposition . For example :
    - I allow that I did this mistake .
    - أقر بأني فعلت هذا الخطأ.

    • Adversary , antagonist :

    في الروايات والمسرحيات هناك دائما شخصيتان , البطل والخصم وعادة يعادل هذا الخصم البطل بالقوة ويخالفه بالمبدأ وهذه عادة اسمه (antagonist) .
    So , the difference between " adversary " and " antagonist " is that the antagonist have a kind of hatred , animosity and hostility . But the word ' adversary ' does not necessarily imply hatred or hostile .
    يعني عندما نستخدم كلمة (adversary) قد يكون هناك عدوانية ولكن ليس بالضرورة ولكن عندما نستخدم كلمة (antagonist) فهذا يؤكد وجود عدوانية بين الطرفين .

    • Affect ; effect :

    So , the word " affect " is mainly a verb but it could be a noun .
    The word " effect " is mainly a noun but it could be a verb .
    - Affect (v) : يؤثر
    We have a new , meaning to this word which " to assume " (يأخذ على عاتقه) .
    - Effect (n) : أثر , تأثير
    Also , we have a new meaning to this word when it comes in plural and this meaning is property (ملكية) or goods (البضائع) .
    So :
    - " effect " as a verb (يحدث)
    - " effect " as a singular noun (أثر)
    - "effect " as a plural noun (بضائع , ملكية)

    • Alleged , accused , suspected :

    - " suspect " : يشتبه ب
    When you suspect , you think and imagine , but you do not tell . For example :
    - I suspects that this person is a criminal .
    So , when you suspect , you are not sure .
    - " accused " : يتهم
    When you accuse , you imagine and think , and you point your finger to the criminal . For example :
    - I accused that he is a criminal .

    - " alleged " : يزعم , يعتقد
    Alleged : he is considered and believed . For example :
    - This person is alleged to be a criminal .
    Notice here that the word " alleged " is more positive and more neutral (أكثر حيادية) .
    So , it is better to use word " alleged " .
    Let me summarize this point :
    In short , these words are used to refer to persons involved in legal problems such as crimes . They might be honest or dis honest ; we do not have evidences of their innocence or guilt .
     To allege mean :
    1- To state positively .
    2- To assert without proof
    3- To argue as an excuse or reason .
     To accuse means :
    - To charge someone with an error or crime .
     To suspect means :
    - To imagine or think that someone is guilty without a proof of guilt .

    • Allegedly , reportedly , reputedly :

    - " allegedly " : يزعم
    Allegedly : refers to a statement . For example :
    - He is allegedly sick .
    This sentence means that you heard a statement that tells you that he is ill .
    - " reportedly " : نقل عن
    Reportedly : mainly refers to report , but it could also refer to rumors (إشاعات) . For example :
    - The person was reportedly killed in a car accident .
    So , reportedly means that you read or heard a report .
    - " reputedly " : means believed , considered or thought .
    So , when we say " he is reputedly sick " , it means that he is considered sick .
    Also , the word 'reputedly' has to do with the word ' reputation ' (سمعة) .

    • Allusion , delusion , elusion , illusion :

    - " allusion " : تلميح , إشارة
    - " delusion " : وهم
    - " elusion " : مراوغة
    - " illusion " : the opposite of reality (الخيال) .
    اخيكم فى الله
    كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    مدرس لغة انجليزية وطالب بدبلومة الترجمة الفوريه
    ارجوا الرد

    [align=justify][marq][gdwl]نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي[/gdwl][/marq][/align]غير مسجل

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    ما شاء الله الموضوع تحفة و فعلا مفيد جدا للترجمة و جزاء الله كل خير على الموضوع

  3. #3
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية هشام الساري
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    اخي كمال
    نشكرك جزيلا على هذه الافادة
    وزادك الله علما

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    thank you.

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كمال كامل عبدالحميد مشاهدة المشاركة
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعياخوانى اعضاء المنتدى الكرام سبق لى ان نقلت لكم موضوع وعنوانة (دروس مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة)ارجوا ان يكون قد نال اعجابكم وافادكم كما اشكر الاخوة الذين ردوا على موضوعى
    أسف على تأخيرى فى اضافة موضوعات جديدة
    ان شاء الله اليوم اكتب اليكم هذا الموضوع وارجوا من الله ان يكون مفيداً
    استحلفكم بالله ارجوا منكم على موضوعى
    The theoretical part :

    What is translation ?
    Translation : is a skill that feeds upon several branches of linguistic and non linguistic knowledge .
    Non linguistic knowledge is the knowledge of culture and society . So , it is a socio-culture knowledge .
    The test of these branches transpires in a translator's performance when interpreting or translating .
    You can see the aptitude () of the translator throughout his translation because it expresses his knowledge of the two backgrounds .
    Translation is also said to be an art . That is why a highly skillful person in two languages cannot necessarily be a skillful translator . Linguistic knowledge in two languages is essential ; but socio-cultural educational and general knowledge are quite basic for good translation .
    Actually , translation is an art because when you translate a text from a source language (SL) into a target language (TL), you are reproducing this text .
    So , as it is a reproducing process , then it is a creative job and it shows your own creativity .
    It is said that a good translation is one that does not sound like a translation cannot be good if it is not a perfect match of the originally produced or created text . the original text is ideal one be it good or bad in style or content . The translated text is a mere reproduction rather than an original product . We conclude that translation is a reproduction process . But it is not any kind of reproduction . The reproduced message in the target language (TL) should be the closest to the message in the source language semantically first and stylistically second .
    What does ' semantically ' mean ? it means (من حيث المعنى).
    What should go hand in hand with the closeness of the target message to the source message is its being natural and dynamic at the same time .
    إذا ... يجب أن تكون الترجمة :
    أقرب ما يكون إلى الأصل .
    أن تكون طبيعية بحيث لا نشعر بوجود التكلف في الترجمة .
    أن تكون عملية أي أننا لا نترجم إلى اللغة القديمة مثلا .
    They say " translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source language message , first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style .
    So , what comes first in translation is meaning .
    Reproducing : the main task before a translator is a reproduction one . reproduction , of curse , requires adjustment grammatically and stylistically .
    When we want to translate from on language into another , can we preserve the grammar , can we preserve the style ?
    Of curse we cannot because it is a different language and we have different grammar . So , what we can preserve is just the meaning .

    The major characteristics of translation :
    a. Equivalence :
    - Equivalence means to give the message .
    When you translate , you art not supposed to translate word by word ; you are supposed to give the equivalence (المقابل) . Like when we say (كان يا ما كان) and we translate it "once upon time " .
    b. Naturalness :
    When we translate a sentence in the source language , it should give the same impression in the target language .
    Of course , this could differ from one language to another and from culture to another ; this is because what could be like a joke for you , could not be a joke for another person from a different culture .
    c. Dynamicness :
    Dynamic means means ( أن تكون عمليا في ترجمتك).
    When we translate a formal letter , how do we translate " your excellency " ? we translate it as (سعادتك) but we don't translate it as (أنت) . Although both of them have the same meaning , you need to preserve the soul of the text and to be dynamic at the same time .
    يجب أيضا أن نكون طبيعيين في ترجمتنا فهذا جزء من الديناميكية . إذ أن التكلف قد يخلق سوء فهم .
    We judge translation through naturalness , closeness and through dynamicness .

    - " Translation : past and present : "
    Actually , translation is a very old job . it is not something new , but what is different is that translators in the past used to focus in the form and forget about the content . they used to be grateful in the word , in rhyme and in allegories (مجاز) .
    So , they used to be very skilful in the language , but that used to be on the account of the meaning . So, they used to neglect the meaning and focus on form and style . But translation nowadays has shifted .
    Translators nowadays focus on the meaning and that is what we meant when we said , " Translation is to give the equivalence . "
    يعني أصبح التركيز الآن على المعنى وليس على الشكل وله1ا قلنا أن غاية الترجمة هي إعطاء المقابل وليس إعطاء التطابق .
    Let us read some lines about that from the book .
    Translator nowadays are mainly interested in their readership and their response. The aim of translating is to make the translated text understood by and clear to the target readers . Such understanding or clarity has to match , as far as possible , what readers of the original text understand . Companies , for example , as finally put it , when trying to advertise their products world wide , have to study the reactions of target text receivers before actually translating their ads .
    So , many companies need to consult the native speakers when they advertise because different cultures understand different concepts differently . The same thing that might be good for you can be bad for the others .
    A good example for this is the understanding of the symbol of the owl (البومة) in both English and Arabic cultures .
    مثلا في الثقافة العربية البومة هي رمز للشؤم أما في الثقافة الإنكليزية فهي رمز للحكمة .
    Let us move to (page 11) and read some lines .
    It goes without saying that in order to preserve the content of the message , the from is usually affected . The ideal situation is to preserve both .
    That's enough for the theoretical part .

    The problematic words :

    Open your books on (page 117 ):

    • Ability , capacity :

    We translate "ability" as (مقدرة) . Also , when you come to the word "capacity" , we translate it as (استطاعة) . They are almost the same , but the difference is in connotation .
    The connotation of ability :
    • Ability implies a physical power . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to walk for ten hours "
    • Ability implies a mental power . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to solve the problem ?
    • The third implication is financial ability . For example :
    - I have the ability to buy a car .
    Which means :
    ( I have the financial ability to buy a car ? )
    • The last implication is legal ability . For example :
    - I have the ability to sign for him .
    Meaning :
    ( I have the authority to sign for him . )

    The connotation of capacity :
    Capacity is different in the sense that it refers to what could be held and absorbed (يتسع ل) . For example :
    - The capacity of the hotel is 100 person .
    - The capacity of the elevator is 100 k.g .
    So , we use capacity with absorbance .
    The prepositions that come with ability :
    Actually , the preposition that come after ability are mainly governed by what comes after "ability" . For example :
    - Ability in physics .
    - Ability with languages .
    - Ability at riding horses .
    We have an expression for the word "capacity" which is not in your book . It is " in my capacity as " . It means (بصفتي) .
    For example :
    - In my capacity as a teacher , I advise you to do so and so .
    Do you think that these prepositions match ability or match the word that comes after ability ?
    Student : I think it depends on the word that comes after ability .
    Professor : yes , exactly .
    Another thing we have to know about ability is that it is often followed by an infinitive . For example :
    - Do you have the ability to solve the problem ? 
    - Do you have the ability of solving the problem ? 
    Student : can we say " ten hours of work is above my capacity ? "
    Professor : yes , you can .
    Student : and can we say " To sign this document is above my capacity ? "
    Professor : you have to say " To sign this document is out of my capacity . "
    The preposition that come with capacity :
    We have two preposition used with capacity which are (for) and (of) . For example :
    - Capacity for ten persons ….
    - Capacity of ten persons ….
    Let me summarize these points in few lines :
     Ability :
    1- We use it for : physical power .
    Mental power .
    Financial power .
    Legal power .
    2- The preposition after it depend on the word that comes after ' ability ' .
    3- We don't use gerund after ' ability ' ; we use an infinitive .
     Capacity :
    1- We use with absorbance .
    2- We use two preposition after it : (for) or (of) .

    • Acknowledge , admit :

    1- So , we use ' acknowledge ' after : denial (إنكار) .
    Reluctance (إحجام) .
    2- We use ' admit in case of : Pressure
    Duress (تهديد,احتجاز,قسر)

    • Admit , allow :

    1- So , the difference between ' admit ' and ' allow ' is that ' admit ' implies ( force , pressure , duress ) , but ' allow ' doesn't imply any force r pressure .
    2- We use the preposition (to) with ' admit ' , but it is optional .
    3- We use with ' allow ' the relative pronoun ' that ' instead of the preposition . For example :
    - I allow that I did this mistake .
    - أقر بأني فعلت هذا الخطأ.

    • Adversary , antagonist :

    في الروايات والمسرحيات هناك دائما شخصيتان , البطل والخصم وعادة يعادل هذا الخصم البطل بالقوة ويخالفه بالمبدأ وهذه عادة اسمه (antagonist) .
    So , the difference between " adversary " and " antagonist " is that the antagonist have a kind of hatred , animosity and hostility . But the word ' adversary ' does not necessarily imply hatred or hostile .
    يعني عندما نستخدم كلمة (adversary) قد يكون هناك عدوانية ولكن ليس بالضرورة ولكن عندما نستخدم كلمة (antagonist) فهذا يؤكد وجود عدوانية بين الطرفين .

    • Affect ; effect :

    So , the word " affect " is mainly a verb but it could be a noun .
    The word " effect " is mainly a noun but it could be a verb .
    - Affect (v) : يؤثر
    We have a new , meaning to this word which " to assume " (يأخذ على عاتقه) .
    - Effect (n) : أثر , تأثير
    Also , we have a new meaning to this word when it comes in plural and this meaning is property (ملكية) or goods (البضائع) .
    So :
    - " effect " as a verb (يحدث)
    - " effect " as a singular noun (أثر)
    - "effect " as a plural noun (بضائع , ملكية)

    • Alleged , accused , suspected :

    - " suspect " : يشتبه ب
    When you suspect , you think and imagine , but you do not tell . For example :
    - I suspects that this person is a criminal .
    So , when you suspect , you are not sure .
    - " accused " : يتهم
    When you accuse , you imagine and think , and you point your finger to the criminal . For example :
    - I accused that he is a criminal .

    - " alleged " : يزعم , يعتقد
    Alleged : he is considered and believed . For example :
    - This person is alleged to be a criminal .
    Notice here that the word " alleged " is more positive and more neutral (أكثر حيادية) .
    So , it is better to use word " alleged " .
    Let me summarize this point :
    In short , these words are used to refer to persons involved in legal problems such as crimes . They might be honest or dis honest ; we do not have evidences of their innocence or guilt .
     To allege mean :
    1- To state positively .
    2- To assert without proof
    3- To argue as an excuse or reason .
     To accuse means :
    - To charge someone with an error or crime .
     To suspect means :
    - To imagine or think that someone is guilty without a proof of guilt .

    • Allegedly , reportedly , reputedly :

    - " allegedly " : يزعم
    Allegedly : refers to a statement . For example :
    - He is allegedly sick .
    This sentence means that you heard a statement that tells you that he is ill .
    - " reportedly " : نقل عن
    Reportedly : mainly refers to report , but it could also refer to rumors (إشاعات) . For example :
    - The person was reportedly killed in a car accident .
    So , reportedly means that you read or heard a report .
    - " reputedly " : means believed , considered or thought .
    So , when we say " he is reputedly sick " , it means that he is considered sick .
    Also , the word 'reputedly' has to do with the word ' reputation ' (سمعة) .

    • Allusion , delusion , elusion , illusion :

    - " allusion " : تلميح , إشارة
    - " delusion " : وهم
    - " elusion " : مراوغة
    - " illusion " : the opposite of reality (الخيال) .
    اخيكم فى الله
    كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    مدرس لغة انجليزية وطالب بدبلومة الترجمة الفوريه
    ارجوا الرد
    موضع أكثر من رائع شكراً أوتمنى في أشياء مثل هل الاِياء عندك لانو انا مغروم بموضوع الترجمة والفرق وكيفية إستخدام الكلمات

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    و الله موضوع أكثر من رائع شكراً في عندك اشياء لانو مغرم بهيك اشياء

  7. #7
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية شذا عمر
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات مفيدة فى اساسيات الترجمة

    great topic
    thanks a lot

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    يارب لك الحمد كما ينبغى لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك

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