الترجمة إلى العربية
المحاضرة (6)
29 ابريل 2006 – 15 يوليو 2006

أولا: ترجم إلى العربية المقالة التالية، مع مراعاة قيام كل زميل بترجمة الجمل التي تأتي بعد الرقم المطابق لرقمه، وتعليق الجميع على كل ترجمة، والعنوان يشترك فيه الجميع:

The Popular Myth about Sleeping

(1) Contrary to popular belief, you do not need 8 hours of sleep to function properly during the day. There's a crazy media hype out recently telling people that America is sleep deprived, and that we should all get 8 hours of sleep, blah blah blah. (2) This is absolute non-sense, and any sleep expert would agree.

(3) There are many people in the world today that perform extraordinary physically and mentally demanding tasks and sleep for only 4 to 6 hours per night. (4) Are these people living zombies? Or did they somehow, consciously, or un-consciously tap into a hidden fountain of energy, a system that lets them perform this way?

(5) A good example of a person like this is someone in a trans-atlantic yacht racing crew. (6) The crew takes shifts being at the helm and on deck, and has to fight vigorous weather, poor eating conditions, continuous motion, and drastic temperature changes, for up to 3 months! (7) At this time each crew member sleeps about 4-5 hours per shift, and has no trouble performing the highly mentally and physically demanding tasks of sailing a yacht, fighting 30 foot waves, adjusting sails, and concentrating on keeping the boat on course.

(8) There are also many other individuals in the world who don't sail yachts or perform outrageously physically demanding tasks, yet they also sleep very little. (9) Regardless of their ”sleep deprivation”, they're always up beat, energetic, and full of life. (10) Were these people just born with this ability, or is it something they're doing on a conscious / subconscious level

أرقام الزملاء مرتبين أبجديا:
1- حسن أبو خليل
2- حمزة ثلجة
3- حنان عبد المنعم
4- زينب عصفور
5- سماح
6- علي المصري
7- نذير طيار
8- هاني
9- هديل
10- وليد رشوان

ثانيا: مطلوب قراءة موضوع " الأسماء المركبة " من كتاب كيف تترجم، والإجابة على الأسئلة التالية:
1- اذكر خمسة أمثلة ( غير المذكورة في الكتاب ) توضح بها كيفية معالجة الأسماء المركبة في الترجمة.
2- وضّح كيف ينتج الغموض في المعنى من جراء استخدام الأسماء المركبة؟
3- ما الفرق في وظيفة كل من prefixes وsuffixes في اللغة الإنجليزية؟