تحية طيبة , بأذن الله سوف اقدم لكم امتحان مادة الترجمة السياسية او الصحفية الذى طرحته لطلابى عام 2002/2003 , و الامتحان مكون من ثلاث اسئلة اثنان منه للترجمة من الانجليزية للعربية و الثالث من العربية للانجليزية و له 40 درجة , و الدرجة الكاملة مائة درجة , و السؤال الاول مكون من خمسة عشر جملة ليمكننى من ايداع اكبر عدد من المفردات الواجب معرفتها , و الزمن المسموح به ثلاث ساعات . و سوف اقدم كل سؤال على حدة و سوف ابدأ بمشيئة الله بالسؤال الاول :
1- Peacekeeping is essential for the success of postwar settlement.
2-The authorities may consider the application of asylum seekers.
3-They are meeting with the aim of boosting biletral relations.
4-In an open session he highlighted the need to contain terrorism.
5-The delegation leader to the summit will propose a mutual cooperation with his counterpart.
6-U.S. secretary of state urged the two parties to make some concessions in order to advance peace process.
7-The murderous regime equiped itself with mass destruction weapons.
8-Inclusive democracy embraces all minorities and no one will be a victim of racism.
9-Casting votes in elections should be followed by public accountability.
10-Free press prevents forming illegitimacy of authoritarian rule .
11- He was described as the centeral figure of the suicide attack.
-12-A senior military intelligence official was captured during a secret mission in the occupied West Bank.
13-Arab News daily reported that Arab League secretary-general presided the conference.
14-National assembly speaker flies to Damascus.
15- Addressing the meeting, he explained his readiness to comat ignorance, poverty and diseases