فجر عسير

كان يعتني ببستانه صباحا مساء، كل من دخله إلا وقال: ما شاء الله.. في حياته أوصى ذريته.. بعد مماته صار خاويا على عروشه.. فاتخذت منه الأفاعي والعقارب وطنا لها.

بقلم: محمد معمري

A Very Short Story
Hard Dawn
Translated By Abdellatif Rhesri

He used to take care of his orchard every day. Any one who entered it would say : Good God ! This is wonderful ! in his lifetime, he entrusted it to his offspring. But, after he had died, the orchard became so completely devastated that it was turned into a territory for snakes and scorpions
