My name is Ahmed Waheed, it is easy to spell
But I'm not a slave that you can buy or sell
I do believe in Allah so I'm not invincible
He gave me loads of concentrated power of will

Till when your hearts will be envious and ill?0
Your deeds are not in Quran, Torah and Gospel
They are included in none of the holy books
The devil himself has become your sincere pupil

Neither do I care about your weapons' excel
Nor do I fear your equipments and bombs that you shell
I will fight you to the bone like the kids of stone
Death for me means a jannah but for you means a hell

I do not want to be a sexy lover and swell
All that I want is to free the Palestinian parcel
our holies up there, the Masjed of Aqsa
And revenge for the innocents that you slay and kill

Neither do I want the house that you want me to dwell
Nor do I need you pay, instead of me, the bill
Accepting your temptation (bribery) is a pipedream
I won't quit my mission, I'm all-set to peril

It is possible you can kill me, but others will fulfill
All that I could not make, what I missed they will fill
Many Muslims do devote their lives to Allah
Their number one concern is to pass the paradise's doorsill

If you torture me, imprison me in a cell
hang me or throw me from a high hill
I will never ask you some kindness & leniency
I can bear your torture but not Allah's fire grill

Written by / Ahmed Waheed Ramadan

مرحبا بأى تعليقات وفى حين وجود أخطاء أرجو ذكر الخطأ والإقتراح والتعديل المناسب مع ذكر أمثلة توضح القاعدة التى اخطأت بها -- فمهما بلغ علمنا فلن نصل للكمال -- فلا عليم إلا الذى فوق العرش إلهنا.