We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; And we will assuredly Guard it( from corruption )

"انا نحن نزلنا الذكر و انا له لحفظون "

I would recommend a translation techniques to a non-specialized translator in technical language who wants to translate a scientific text :-
1- The translator has to depend on a source books and data base in the branch he translates.
2-He should not refrain from consulting experts in the special field.
3-He has to understand that text and temporarily know the vocabulary it uses.
4-In science the language is concept-centered ; in technology it is object-centered.
5-Underline all words and structures that appear to contain problems. You can then translate sentences by sentence making grammatical shifts to form natural language ( in the TL).

Neologism : New created terms in industry and technology.
Culture:- The whole way of life of a certain linguistic community .This includes not only material aspects but also conceptual ,political and religious aspects .
Transliteration:- The terms are borrowed as the are with some naturalization /Arabization.
A précis :-It is a summary of the main ideas of a research paper.
It is longer than an abstract.
Technical language :It is the language of science and technology such as physics, chemistry and biology.

The cultural words has four categories :
1-Special physical /geographical features and flora and fauna.
2-Material and concrete aspects of culture towns, houses, transport, clothes , food … etc.
3-Aspect of social culture : work and recreation .
4-Organization, institution , action ,concepts , beliefs …. Etc.

The phrasal verbs have three types:
1-Transparent type as : come in.
2-Semi-transparent as come about.
3-The opaque type as: put up with .