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الموضوع: محاضرات فى اساسيات الترجمة الجزء الثانى

  1. #1
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Neww محاضرات فى اساسيات الترجمة الجزء الثانى

    اخوانى الاعضاء اليكم الجزء الثانى من محاضرات فى اساسيات الترجمة
    من اخوكم كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    Translation : Past and Present

    Translation in the past used to focus on the form of the message . To them , what is important in translation is reproducing stylistic specialties such as rhythms , rhymes , plays on words , plays with words puns and unusual grammatical structures among others .
    So , translation in the past focused on form of the message not on the meaning .
    The new focus , on the other hand , has shifted . Translators become more interested in the message itself ; the content of the original takes the priority .
    In the past , translators used to focus on the form and focus on rhyme and rhythm . So , they used to neglect the meaning and focus on form and style . But translation nowadays has shifted . Nowadays , translators just focus on the meaning .
    De Beaugrande (1980 : 291) believes that " the equivalence between a text and its translation can be neither inform nor in lexical meanings , but only in the experience of the text receivers ."
    - Text receivers : متلقي النص

    So , meaning today is very important in translation because if you do not understand what you are translating , the reader will not understand either .
    In addition , translators nowadays are mainly interested in their readership and their response . The aim of translating is to make the translated text understood by and clear to the target readers .
    So , you have to keep the text as it is because the text is not yours ; it is written by somebody else , and your job is to translate it into the new language , but you know that you cannot keep the text (in terms of form ) as it is ; i.e. you have to introduce certain changes .
    Such understanding or clarity has to match , as far as possible , what readers of the original text understanding . Companies , for example , as finally put it , when trying to advertise their product worldwide , have to study the reactions of target texts receivers before actually translating their ads .
    So , when you translate from a language into another , you need to be aware of the receivers , you need to be aware of their language and their culture . So , even companies – when translate from language into another – they need to consult the native speakers of the target language .
    Let us continue reading :
    There have been several occasions in which firms have lived to regret not checking with native – speakers the connotation of trademark in given language …………………………........... New mark , for example , stresses the idea that translation across culture , regardless how different they are , is always possible because of the possibility of explanation .
    So , the perfect or the ideal situation is to try to preserve both form and meaning .
    إذا الحالة المثالية هي ان نحافظ على الشكل والمضمون .
    Now , let us read what New mark says about this:
    No language , no culture is to ' primitive ' that it cannot embrace the terms and the concepts of , …………………………………… it requires greater space in the target languages text .
    New mark says that we cannot say that any language in the world in incapable of containing technology concepts .
    Many scholars define translation in different ways but most of them , ……………………….. Peter New mark , for example , believes that translation is " reading the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text ."
    So , the focus here is on the author's intention ; if he – the translator – translates what the author tends to say , then this is a good translator .
    Similarly , Catford defines translation as " the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) [source language ] by equivalent material in another language (TL) [ target language ]. "
    إذا الترجمة هي عبارة عن استبدال نص في (source language) بمكافئ له في ( target language) .
    In this case , translation become a process of replacement you are replacing with a target text .
    A more comprehensive definition is given by Newmark where he suggests that :
    Notice that all these definition are revolving around the same point :
    Translation is a craft consists in the attempt to replace a written message…………………. The basic is on a continuum between overtranslation ( increased detail ) and undertranslation ( increased generalization) .
    - " overtranslation " ( increase details) تفاصيل كثيرة
    - " undertranslation " (increase generalization) تعميم
    Newmark says that during the process of translation , a loss of meaning occurs .
    So what are the reasons behind the loss of meaning according to Newmark ?
    • The first reason is overtanslation .
    • The second reason is undertranslation .
    This meaning that we are going to experience a loss of meaning either if we over-translate or under-translate the text . So , translators try to get close the original meaning .
    Let's move to next paragraph :
    A translation is never final there are no absolutes ; new suggestion can always be made .
    إذا ليس هناك ترجمة نهائية فهناك دائما اقتراحات جديدة .
    Let us read the last passage in this chapter :
    Unfortunately , translation is still being imposed as an exercise in felicitous English style , …………………. Nothing is purely objective or subjective . There are not cast iron rules . Everything is more or less .
    Problematic Words :
    • Although , though :
    these are linking words that connect two sentences together , and they may be used interchangeably . These two words mean even though , regardless , or in spite of the fact . Examples :
    - Although he is rich , he us mean (بخيل) .
    - Though I was nervous , I got to my feet .
    We can use these two words in different places in the sentence :
    " Although " is more commonly used at the begging of a sentence .
    " Though " is preferred over " although " at the end of a statement . For example :
    - He looked healthy to me , though .
    " Though " is more commonly used to link words to phrases . For example :
    - He got out if that experience a sadder though wiser man .
    • Ambiguous , equivocal , unequivocal :
    " ambiguous " : ( غامض) .
    " equivocal " : ( مريب , مشكوك فيه) .
    " unequivocal " : ( واضح , جلي) .
    These words are very confusing when we want to use them .
    So , please pay attention to their different meaning :
     Ambiguous means :
    1- Words that have several possible meanings .
    2- Words which are open to different interpretations .
    - "Several" : (more than two ) .
    Equivocal is closely related in meaning to "ambiguous " but it is more often used to signify:
    1- " not determined " .
    2- " of doubtful nature " .
    3- " open to double interpretation " .
    So , the difference between " ambiguous " and " equivocal " is :
     Ambiguous you have several meanings , several interpretations .
     Equivocal you have mainly two meanings , two interpretation .
    " Ambiguous " is applied only to written or spoken statements .
    " Equivocal " can be applied to speech , writing , actions , and ideas .
    " Unequivocal " is directly opposite in meaning to " equivocal " , and it means clear , having only one possible meaning or interpretation .
    • Amiable , amicable :
    actually , these words area closely related in meaning . These two words area derived from the same Latin word meaning " friendly " . So , both " amiable " and " amicable " mean " friendly " .
     When I use " amiable " , I mean somebody who is nice and good-natured .
    So , amiable implies sweetness of temper , kindheartedness , or good-natured obligingness .
     Amicable has somewhat similar meaning , but is stresses the idea of being at peace or not being disposed to quarrel .
     I will give you two examples on using the words " amiable " and " amicable " ; try to understand the difference between them . For examples , when I say , " Jim is a kind and amiable person ." I mean that Jim is kind , lovely . social . etc .
    Now , an example of " amicable" :
    ' We reached an amicable agreement . '
    We cannot use " amiable " in this sentence because we are talking about being at peace .
    • Amoral , immoral , unmoral :
     Amoral : cannot be judge according to the criteria of morality .
     Immoral : wicked ( فاسد) , depraved , contrary to accepted principles of right and wrong .
    ( لا أخلاقي ) .
     Unmoral : unable to distinguish between right and wrong .
    • Anxious , eager :
    - Anxious : worried ( مضطرب) .
    - Eager : keenly desire ( تواق).
     " eager " : " keenly desirous " and " wanting to " .
    For example :
    - I am eager to see my friend .
    So , I am looking forward to see him ; I want to see him so badly .
    " Eager " has a positive meaning . you are eager for something good . you cannot be eager for something bad .
     " Anxious " : implies " anxiety " , worry " or " uneasiness " .
    For example :
    - He was anxious about my safety .
    We cannot say , " He was eager about my self . " So , he is anxious or worried about my safety
    Notice: that we rarely use " eager " where " anxious " is meant , but " anxious " is often incorrectly substituted for " eager " . For example :
    - The small boy was eager ( not anxious ) to go fishing .
    So , one is anxious about something of which he is fearful .
    One is eager concerning something looked forward to .
    So , we say :
    - You are anxious because of the result .
    - You are eager to know the result .
    • Assume , presume :
    المفردتين لهما نفس المعنى وهو ( افتراض ) ولكن ((assume افتراض بدون دليل .
    These two words " assume " and " presume " have related but distinguishable meaning :
     To " assume " means :
    1- To take something for granted .
    2- To infer without proof .
    For example :
    We are going on a picnic tomorrow and someone says : " Let's assume that it is going to rain tomorrow , what shall we do ? " So , he means " Suppose it is going to rain tomorrow . " He does not know whether it is going to rain or not and he used the verb " assume " .
     To " presume " means :
    1- To believe something to be a fact .
    2- To infer as true without actual proof to the contrary .
    3- To suppose .
    For example :
    - " He did not say when he would return but I presume he will come back for dinner . "
    This means that he did not tell me that he would be back for dinner and I used " presumed " not " assume " .
    By the way , these two words are interchangeable .
    • Assure , ensure , insure :
     " Assure " means :
    1- To guarantee something .
    2- To convince ( يؤكد , يقنع) .
    For example :
    - I assure you of my good intensions .
    - I assure you this medicine causes no harm .
    It is something like " I promise you it will not cause you any harm and I guarantee this . "
    The proposition that we use with " assure " is optional . So , you can say " I assure to you " , and you can say " I assure you " .
     " Ensure " and " insure " have the same meaning :
    To make certain or to guard against loss .
     " Insure " is applied to both people and property .
    " insure " means ( يكفل , يؤمن) .
    " insurance " means (التأمين) .
    Examples :
    - I am insured against fire .
    - My house is insured against fire .
     " Assure " usually refers only to persons .
    • Average , medium , mean :
     " average " : ( معدل).
    So , if we have the following numbers , for example :
    5 3 1 8 1 3 5 8 / 4 = average .
    لدينا مجموعة من الأرقام غير مرتبة , نرتبها ونقسمها على عدد الأرقام الموجودة لدينا والناتج نسميه (average) .
     " Medium " :
    If we have some numbers like :
    5 10 1 15 3 1 3 5 10 15
    لدينا مجموعة من الأرقام نرتبها تصاعديا أو تنازليا ثم نستخرج الرقم الأوسط هذا الرقم نسميه (medium) .
     " mean " :
    If we have some numbers like :
    2 4 5 10 17 2+17/ 2 = mean
    لدينا مجموعة من الأرقام المرتبة , نأخذ أصغر رقم وأكبر رقم من المجموعة ونقسمها على العدد 2 والناتج نسميه (mean).
    • Bipartisan , partisan , bipartite :
     " Bipartisan " : متعلق بحزبين
     " Partisan " : متعلق بحزب واحد
     " Bipartite " : اتفاقية ثنائية
    - إننا نستخدم (partisan) عندما يكون الشخص منتمي لحزب معين أو طرف واحد . بينما نستخدم (bipartisan) عندما يكون الشخص موالي لحزبين .
    (bipartite) هي الحكومة التي تحكم من قبل طرفيين , أي طرق محتل وطرف تحت الاحتلال .

    -اراكم قريبا وارجوا الرد استحلفكم باللهنقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعينقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    كمال كامل عبدالحميد
    مدرس لغه انجليزية وطالب بدبلومة الترجمة

    [align=justify][marq][gdwl]نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي[/gdwl][/marq][/align]غير مسجل

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: محاضرات فى اساسيات الترجمة الجزء الثانى

    جزاك الله خير.
    ممكن ترجمة لـ:
    for all it is pace and clarity

    much less a sense that it was a tragedy

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة هلا عبدالرحمن ; 29/05/2011 الساعة 11:12 AM

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