االسلام عليكم ورحمته وبركاته
انا سوف اضع بين يديكم قطعتين ... ارجو اجد ترجمتها الصحيحه بين يديكم
وهذه الفقرتين سوف تاتي باذن الله في الامتحان ودوري ترجمتها
اريد التدرب عليها الان
Substantive Law and Procedural law

Substantive Law includes the ruler of low , civil or criminal . defining a civil wrong or a criminal offence .thus. murder is a common-law offence and is defined by the common-law . bigamy is a statutory offence .contrary to section 57 of the offence against person act.1861. the law appertaining to both types of offence is known as substantive law.
Procedural law lays down the rules governing the manner in which a right is enforced under civil law. Or a crime prosecuted under the criminal law
الفقره الاخرى
Assignment and delegation
Parties who enter into contracts receive rights and incur duties. For example. If l agree to sell you my car for 200bh and you agree to buy it from me for the price . l receive the right to the money and incur the duty to give you the car. Your rights and duties are the opposite. With some exception and unless otherwise . agreed. Rights and duties can be trensferred to other people...
The transfer of a right is called an assignment. The person who transfer the right is called the assignor. And the person th whom the right a transferred is called the assignee. In the preceding example. If before receiving the 2000 from you. I assign it to third person. You would have to pay the money to the third person on learing of the assignment
جزاء خيرأ ان شاء الله لمن سوف يقوم بترجمتها ومساعدتي