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الموضوع: طلب مساعد ترجمة من فضلكم

  1. #1
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية رفيق الجزائري
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي طلب مساعد ترجمة من فضلكم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    ابحث عن ترجمة لقصيدة المحكمة وقد وجدتها بترجمتين مختلفتين
    فاردت ان اضعها بين ايديكم حتى اتمكن من معرفة الاخطاء الواردة وما السبيل لترجمة اقرب للقصيدة
    فأفيدوني جزاكم الله خيرا

    كن منصفاً يا سيدي القاضي
    ذنبي أنا رجل..له ماضي
    تلك التي أمامك الآن
    كانت لدي اعز إنسانة
    أحببتها وهي أحبتني
    صدقاً جميع الهم أنستني
    صارحتها وقلت مولاتي
    كثيرة كانت علاقاتي
    قالت :
    حـــبـــيــــبــى دع الماضي وقبلني ..
    بين ذراعيك أنا..
    أنا أنا الكل وأنا لي الحاضر والآتي؟
    كن منصفا يا سيدى القاضي
    تخوننى لغتى وألفاظي
    إن الذى أمامك الان
    اشبعنى ظلما وحرمانا
    أنا حالة فعلا لها يرثى
    حتى نسيت بأنني أنثى
    دللتنى؟ !!!!!
    دمرتنى أنت!!!!
    أهملتنى أنت!!!!
    أنت..أنت عذابى
    أنت..أنت همومى
    ونسيت قسوته
    وقولت له
    حــبـــــيــــبى دع الماضي
    وقبلني..قبلني بين ذراعيك
    أنا أنا أنا
    أنا الكل
    وأنا لي الحاضر والآتي
    مر الزمان..تغيرت
    تجبرت وتكبرت
    صبري الجميل..تجاوز الصبرا
    لغة الحوار تحولت جمرا
    فإن رأتني جنبها سرحا
    فورا تصير امرأة أخرى
    غيرتها مرض..يوسوسنى
    فعلا أحن لذلك الماضي
    أطلق يدى سيدى القاضى
    أطلق.. أطلق يدى
    حرر يديا
    حرر يديا
    الله على سهراته الكبرى
    يوما أراة ويختفي..شهرا
    عذرا يناقض سيدي عذرا
    من بيت صاحبة إلى أخرى
    فالشلة الأولى..اعادتة لضلالة وضياعه الماضي
    كن منصفا..
    كن منصفا يا سيدي القاضي
    The court
    Kathem Al Saher Singer Has sung this lyrics in 2010, it was from
    "Drew by the words" album
    He made a video clip for this song in Ukraine and it directed by
    Hoseen Diabs director.
    Kathem AL Saher singer has achieved the Jordan award by
    "Drew by the words"
    album which it include the court song
    Asma AL Mnower shared Kathem AL Saher this song and it played the
    darling character
    Let us to read the court lyrics
    The man
    Judge be fair – minded your honour
    My guiltiness is I am man had past relationship
    This woman you see now
    She was my dearest person
    I loved her and she loved me
    Really she made me forget anxiety
    I confessed her and said my queen :
    it was too much my relationships
    she said : my dear forget the past ant kiss me kiss me between your arms ,I am
    every things ,and I am the present and the future
    The woman
    Judge be fair – minded your honour
    My words and my expressions are betraying me
    Who you are seeing now
    Tortured me and made me feel sad
    He made me pathetic
    Even he made me forget my femininity
    The man
    I spoiled her
    The woman
    Have you spoiled me?
    You destroyed me
    You neglected me
    You …., you are my torment
    you …. You are my preoccupations
    and I forgot his hardness
    and said to hem :
    my dear my dear forget the past ant kiss me kiss me between your arms ,I am
    every things ,and I am the present and the future
    The man
    time passed …. She changed
    she has been unruliness and harder
    my beauty patience acceded the patience
    the language of the dialogue turned firebrands
    if she saw me thinking close of her
    suddenly converting to another woman
    her jealous is disease whispering to me
    really I miss that past
    judge release my hands
    make my hands free
    The woman
    oh god, his big nights, I see hem for one day and disappearing for month
    his excuse always contradict another excuse
    from girl's house to another girl
    his old group made him returned to the careless life
    Judge be fair – minded your honour
    Be fair, sir Judge
    My guiltiness is I am man had past relationship
    This woman you see now
    She was my dearest person
    I loved her and she loved me
    Really she made me forget anxiety
    I confessed her and said my queen:
    “it was too much my relationships“
    she said: “my dear forget the past and kiss me..
    Kiss me between your arms, I am everything, and I am the present and the future“
    Be fair, sir Judge
    my words and my expressions are betraying me
    who you are seeing now
    tortured me and made me feel sad
    He made me pathetic..
    Even he made me forget my femininity
    I spoiled her
    Have you spoiled me ?!!!
    You destroyed me
    you neglected me
    you are my torment
    you are my preoccupations
    and I forgot his hardness
    and said to him:
    “my dear my dear forget the past ant kiss me..
    Kiss me between your arms, I am everything, and I am the present and the future”
    time passed.. She changed
    changed ? !!!
    She has been unruliness
    unruliness ? !!!
    And she becomes harder
    harder ? !!!
    my beauty patience acceded the patience
    the language of the dialogue turned firebrands
    if she saw me thinking close of her
    suddenly converting to another woman
    Her jealous is disease whispering to me
    really I miss that past
    judge release my hands
    Release.., release my hands
    Make my hands free
    oh god, his big nights..
    I see him for one day and disappearing for month
    Oh god, his big nights !!!..
    I see him for one day and then he disappearing for month
    his excuse always contradict another excuse
    from girl's house to another girl
    his old group made him returned to the careless life
    Be fair, be fair..
    Be fair, sir Judge
    She said: “my dear forget the past and kiss me..
    Kiss me between your arms, I am everything, and I am the present and the future

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: طلب مساعد ترجمة من فضلكم

    اخي العزيز الاستاذ رفيق الجزائري السلام عليكم :
    اخي لقد قرات كلا الترجمتين وقارنتها النص المكتوب باللغة العربية اوكي عزيزي يؤسفني ان اقول ان فيها اخطاء وجدتها من كلا ترجمتين اقصد لا يقارب المعني الاصلي وانما مرادف لها اوكي ووجدت ايضا اضافات من مترجم من كلمة (( همس)) التي ليس موجودة اصلا في الشعر ااضافة الي اخطاء قواعدية اوكي اخي العزيز اتمني من كبار المترجمين النظر بنصين المترجمين اعلاه لتاييد ع صحة كلامي اوكي
    _________________ اختك نيكار الكاكي

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