ترجمة أبيات من قصيدة أبن زيدون

هنا أقدم لكم ترجمة قصيدة الشاعر أبن زيدون في حبيبته الولادة بنت المستكفي وهو من شعراء الأندلس .


Translating poetry is not simple work ; to find equivalences, maintaining rhythm & rhyme, treating with cultural words, to put the poem in one scheme or uniform scheme or different scheme or to convert sometimes to blank verse are the most difficulties which challenge and confront the translator. In additional the ability of the translator himself and his own experiment to treat with different types of literature. The most difficulties also is to find the style which it is suitable and understandable for the reader as well as the traditional taste .

The translator should always change from one scheme to another, however, to maintain the sprit and the music of the poem.

Writing a new poem or a new literary work hundred time is easier than translating one poem, because when you start a new poem you yourself who choose the words, suggested the topic idea and rising the conflict to match the climax.

I put this translation under your regard to judge and make comments.

النص العربي :
أضحى التنائي بديلا عن تدانينا وناب عن طيب لقيانا تجافينا
بنتم وبنا فما أبتلت جوانحنا شوقا إليكم و لا جفت مآقينا
نكاد حين تناجيكم ضمائرنا يقضي علينا الأسى لولا تأسينا
حالت لفقدكم أيامنا فقدت سودا وكانت بكم بيضا ليالينا
يا ساري البرق غادي القصر وأسق به من كان صرف الهوى والود يسقنا
ويا نسيم الصبا بلغ تحيتنا من لو على البعد حيا كان يحيينا
يا روضة طالما أجنت لواحظنا وردا جلاه الصبا غضا ونسرينا
لسنا نسميك أجلالا وتكرمة وقدرك المعتلي عن ذاك يغنينا

نسيم الصبا بفتح الصاد : ريح الشمال , الصبا بكسر الصاد : الطفولة والعنفوان
التنائي : البعد والمشاق , تدانينا : تقاربنا , بنتم : اختلفتم وتفاوتم بالرأي , الجوانح : القوادم ويقصد بها الشاعر هنا السريرة

Stanza 1

Separation converted instead of our relative.

And our good time replacing by comparative.

You draw and we drag , but our kinships retain without spotting.

Yellowish and yearning our eyes still tearing.

Stanza 2 :

Our conscience were hurt when we remember you.

But the consolation uniform our solidarity.

Your days being enlightened to separate us

While our days spotted with cloudy gloomy breeze.

O' motional lightening clouds hit their dwellings by cats and dogs.

To whom has naturally love, able to drunk us with thin eyes.

Though northern thinner wind deliver our salutation

To whom living abroad will not forget to mention.

Stanza 3:

O' meadow how much flourished our foreseeing.

By shrubbery and succulent flower of Alnsrin

We are not able to address you with ordinary naming.
due to your respect position and rank.

Your honor often is enough to not mention.