هو ميمون بن قيس بن جندل بن شراحيل بن عوف بن سعد بن ضُبيعة، من بني قيس بن ثعلبة، وصولاً إلى علي بن بكر بن وائل، وانتهاء إلى ربيعة بن نزار. يعرف بأعشى قيس، ويكنّى بأبي بصير، ويقال له أعشى بكر بن وائل، والأعشى الكبير. عاش عمراً طويلاً وأدرك الإسلام ولم يسلم، ولقب بالأعشى لضعف بصره، وعمي في أواخر عمره. مولده ووفاته في قرية منفوحة باليمامة، وفيها داره وبها قبره.

من شعراء الطبقة الأولى في الجاهلية، كان كثير الوفود على الملوك من العرب والفرس، فكثرت الألفاظ الفارسية في شعره. غزير الشعر، يسلك فيه كل مسلك، وليس أحد ممن عرف قبله أكثر شعراً منه. كان يغني بشعره فلقب بصنّاجة العرب، اعتبره أبو الفرج الأصفهاني، كما يقول التبريزي: أحد الأعلام من شعراء الجاهلية وفحولهم، وذهب إلى أنّه تقدّم على سائرهم، ثم استدرك ليقول: ليس ذلك بمُجْمَع عليه لا فيه ولا في غيره.


1- وَدّعْ هُرَيْـرَةَ إنّ الرَّكْـبَ مرْتَحِـلُ وَهَلْ تُطِيقُ وَداعـاً أيّهَـا الرّجُـلُ ؟

2- غَـرَّاءُ فَرْعَـاءُ مَصْقُـولٌ عَوَارِضُـهَا تَمشِي الهُوَينَا كَمَا يَمشِي الوَجي الوَحِلُ

3- كَـأَنَّ مِشْيَتَـهَا مِنْ بَيْـتِ جَارَتِهَـا مَرُّ السَّحَابَةِ ، لاَ رَيْـثٌ وَلاَ عَجَـل

4- تَسمَعُ للحَلِي وَسْوَاساً إِذَا انصَرَفَـتْ كَمَا استَعَانَ برِيـحٍ عِشـرِقٌ زَجِـلُ

5- لَيستْ كَمَنْ يكرَهُ الجِيـرَانُ طَلعَتَـه وَلاَ تَـرَاهَـا لسِـرِّ الجَـارِ تَخْتَتِـلُ

6- يَكَـادُ يَصرَعُهَـا ، لَـوْلاَ تَشَدُّدُهَـا إِذَا تَقُـومُ إلـى جَارَاتِهَـا الكَسَـلُ

7- إِذَا تُعَالِـجُ قِـرْنـاً سَاعـةً فَتَـرَتْ وَاهتَزَّ مِنهَا ذَنُـوبُ المَتـنِ وَالكَفَـلُ

8- مِلءُ الوِشَاحِ وَصِفْرُ الـدّرْعِ بَهكنَـةٌ إِذَا تَأتّـى يَكَـادُ الخَصْـرُ يَنْخَـزِلُ

9- صَدَّتْ هُرَيْـرَةُ عَنَّـا مَـا تُكَلّمُنَـا جَهْلاً بأُمّ خُلَيْدٍ حَبـلَ مَنْ تَصِـلُ ؟

10- أَأَنْ رَأَتْ رَجُلاً أَعْشَـى أَضَـرَّ بِـه رَيبُ المَنُونِ ، وَدَهْـرٌ مفنِـدٌ خَبِـلُ

11- نِعمَ الضَّجِيعُ غَداةَ الدَّجـنِ يَصرَعهَـا لِلَّـذَّةِ المَـرْءِ لاَ جَـافٍ وَلاَ تَفِـلُ

12- هِرْكَـوْلَـةٌ ، فُنُـقٌ ، دُرْمٌ مَرَافِقُـهَا كَـأَنَّ أَخْمَصَـهَا بِالشّـوْكِ مُنْتَعِـلُ

13- إِذَا تَقُومُ يَضُـوعُ المِسْـكُ أصْـوِرة وَالزَّنْبَقُ الـوَرْدُ مِنْ أَرْدَانِهَـا شَمِـلُ

14- ما رَوْضَةٌ مِنْ رِياضِ الحَـزْنِ مُعشبـة خَضرَاءُ جَادَ عَلَيـهَا مُسْبِـلٌ هَطِـلُ

15- يُضَاحكُ الشَّمسَ مِنهَا كَوكَبٌ شَرِقٌ مُـؤزَّرٌ بِعَمِيـمِ الـنَّبْـتِ مُكْتَهِـلُ

16- يَوْماً بِأَطْيَـبَ مِنْـهَا نَشْـرَ رَائِحَـةٍ وَلاَ بِأَحسَنَ مِنـهَا إِذْ دَنَـا الأُصُـلُ

17- عُلّقْتُهَا عَرَضـاً ، وَعُلّقَـتْ رَجُـلا غَيرِي ، وَعُلّقَ أُخرَى غَيرَهَا الرَّجـلُ

18- وَعُلّقَتْـهُ فَـتَـاةٌ مَـا يُحَـاوِلُهَـا مِنْ أهلِها مَيّتٌ يَهْـذِي بِهَـا وَهـلُ

19- وَعُلّقَتْنِـي أُخَيْـرَى مَـا تُلائِمُنِـي فَاجتَمَعَ الحُـبّ حُبًّـا كُلّـهُ تَبِـلُ

20- فَكُلّنَـا مُغْـرَمٌ يَهْـذِي بِصَـاحِبِـهِ نَــاءٍ وَدَانٍ ، وَمَحْبُـولٌ وَمُحْتَبِـلُ

21- قَالَتْ هُرَيـرَةُ لَمَّـا جِئـتُ زَائِرَهَـا وَيْلِي عَلَيكَ ، وَوَيلِي مِنـكَ يَا رَجُـلُ

22- يَا مَنْ يَرَى عَارِضاً قَـدْ بِـتُّ أَرْقُبُـهُ كَأَنَّمَا البَـرْقُ فِي حَافَاتِـهِ الشُّعَـلُ

23- لَـهُ رِدَافٌ ، وَجَـوْزٌ مُفْـأمٌ عَمِـلٌ مُنَطَّـقٌ بِسِجَـالِ الـمَـاءِ مُتّصِـلُ

24- لَمْ يُلْهِنِي اللَّهْوُ عَنْـهُ حِيـنَ أَرْقُبُـهُ وَلاَ اللَّذَاذَةُ مِنْ كَـأسٍ وَلاَ الكَسَـلُ

25- فَقُلتُ للشَّرْبِ فِي دُرْنِى وَقَدْ ثَمِلُـوا شِيمُوا ، وَكَيفَ يَشِيمُ الشَّارِبُ الثَّمِلُ

26- بَرْقاً يُضِـيءُ عَلَى أَجـزَاعِ مَسْقطِـهِ وَبِالـخَبِيّـةِ مِنْـهُ عَـارِضٌ هَطِـلُ

27- قَالُوا نِمَارٌ ، فبَطنُ الخَـالِ جَادَهُمَـا فَالعَسْجَـدِيَّـةُ فَالأبْـلاءُ فَالرِّجَـلُ

28- فَالسَّفْحُ يَجـرِي فَخِنْزِيـرٌ فَبُرْقَتُـهُ حَتَّى تَدَافَعَ مِنْـهُ الرَّبْـوُ ، فَالجَبَـلُ

29- حَتَّى تَحَمَّـلَ مِنْـهُ الـمَاءَ تَكْلِفَـةً رَوْضُ القَطَا فكَثيبُ الغَينـةِ السَّهِـلُ
30- يَسقِي دِيَاراً لَهَا قَدْ أَصْبَحَـتْ عُزَبـاً زُوراً تَجَانَفَ عَنهَا القَـوْدُ وَالرَّسَـلُ

31- وَبَلـدَةٍ مِثـلِ التُّـرْسِ مُـوحِشَـةٍ للجِنّ بِاللّيْـلِ فِي حَافَاتِهَـا زَجَـلُ

32- لاَ يَتَمَنّـى لَهَـا بِالقَيْـظِ يَرْكَبُـهَا إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ لَهُـمْ فِيـمَا أَتَـوْا مَهَـلُ

33- جَاوَزْتُهَـا بِطَلِيـحٍ جَسْـرَةٍ سُـرُحٍ فِي مِرْفَقَيـهَا إِذَا استَعرَضْتَـها فَتَـلُ

34- إِمَّـا تَرَيْنَـا حُفَـاةً لاَ نِعَـالَ لَنَـا إِنَّا كَـذَلِكَ مَـا نَحْفَـى وَنَنْتَعِـلُ

35- فَقَدْ أُخَالِـسُ رَبَّ البَيْـتِ غَفْلَتَـهُ وَقَدْ يُحَـاذِرُ مِنِّـي ثُـمّ مَـا يَئِـلُ

36- وَقَدْ أَقُودُ الصِّبَـى يَوْمـاً فيَتْبَعُنِـي وَقَدْ يُصَاحِبُنِـي ذُو الشّـرّةِ الغَـزِلُ

37- وَقَدْ غَدَوْتُ إلى الحَانُـوتِ يَتْبَعُنِـي شَاوٍ مِشَلٌّ شَلُـولٌ شُلشُـلٌ شَـوِلُ

38- فِي فِتيَةٍ كَسُيُوفِ الـهِندِ قَدْ عَلِمُـوا أَنْ لَيسَ يَدفَعُ عَنْ ذِي الحِيلةِ الحِيَـلُ

39- نَازَعتُهُمْ قُضُـبَ الرَّيْحَـانِ مُتَّكِئـا وَقَهْـوَةً مُـزّةً رَاوُوقُهَـا خَـضِـلُ

40- لاَ يَستَفِيقُـونَ مِنـهَا ، وَهيَ رَاهنَـةٌ إِلاَّ بِهَـاتِ ! وَإنْ عَلّـوا وَإِنْ نَهِلُـوا

41- يَسعَى بِهَا ذُو زُجَاجَـاتٍ لَهُ نُطَـفٌ مُقَلِّـصٌ أَسفَـلَ السِّرْبَـالِ مُعتَمِـلُ

42- وَمُستَجيبٍ تَخَالُ الصَّنـجَ يَسمَعُـهُ إِذَا تُـرَجِّـعُ فِيـهِ القَيْنَـةُ الفُضُـلُ

43- مِنْ كُلّ ذَلِكَ يَـوْمٌ قَدْ لَهَـوْتُ بِـهِ وَفِي التَّجَارِبِ طُولُ اللَّهـوِ وَالغَـزَلُ
44- وَالسَّاحِبَـاتُ ذُيُـولَ الخَـزّ آونَـةً وَالرّافِلاتُ عَلَـى أَعْجَازِهَـا العِجَـلُ

45- أَبْلِـغْ يَزِيـدَ بَنِـي شَيْبَـانَ مَألُكَـةً أَبَـا ثُبَيْـتٍ ! أَمَا تَنفَـكُّ تأتَكِـلُ ؟

46- ألَسْتَ مُنْتَهِيـاً عَـنْ نَحْـتِ أثلَتِنَـا وَلَسْتَ ضَائِرَهَا مَـا أَطَّـتِ الإبِـلُ

47- تُغْرِي بِنَا رَهْـطَ مَسعُـودٍ وَإخْوَتِـهِ عِندَ اللِّقَـاءِ ، فتُـرْدِي ثُـمَّ تَعتَـزِلُ

48- لأَعْـرِفَنّـكَ إِنْ جَـدَّ النَّفِيـرُ بِنَـا وَشُبّتِ الحَرْبُ بالطُّـوَّافِ وَاحتَمَلُـوا

49- كَنَاطِـحٍ صَخـرَةً يَوْمـاً ليَفْلِقَـهَا فَلَمْ يَضِرْها وَأوْهَـى قَرْنَـهُ الوَعِـلُ

50- لأَعْـرِفَنَّـكَ إِنْ جَـدَّتْ عَدَاوَتُنَـا وَالتُمِسَ النَّصرُ مِنكُم عوْضُ تُحتمـلُ

51- تُلزِمُ أرْمـاحَ ذِي الجَدّيـنِ سَوْرَتَنَـا عِنْـدَ اللِّقَـاءِ ، فتُرْدِيِهِـمْ وَتَعْتَـزِلُ

52- لاَ تَقْعُـدَنّ ، وَقَـدْ أَكَّلْتَـهَا حَطَبـاً تَعُـوذُ مِنْ شَرِّهَـا يَوْمـاً وَتَبْتَهِـلُ

53- قَدْ كَانَ فِي أَهلِ كَهفٍ إِنْ هُمُ قَعَـدُوا وَالجَاشِرِيَّـةِ مَـنْ يَسْعَـى وَيَنتَضِـلُ

54- سَائِلْ بَنِي أَسَدٍ عَنَّار ، فَقَـدْ عَلِمُـوا أَنْ سَوْفَ يَأتِيكَ مِنْ أَنبَائِنَـا شَكَـلُ

55- وَاسْـأَلْ قُشَيـراً وَعَبْـدَ اللهِ كُلَّهُـمُ وَاسْألْ رَبِيعَـةَ عَنَّـا كَيْـفَ نَفْتَعِـلُ

56- إِنَّـا نُقَـاتِلُهُـمْ ثُـمَّـتَ نَقْتُلُهُـمْ عِندَ اللِّقَاءِ ، وَهُمْ جَارُوا وَهُمْ جَهِلُـوا

57- كَـلاَّ زَعَمْتُـمْ بِـأنَّـا لاَ نُقَاتِلُكُـمْ انَّا لأَمْثَالِكُـمْ ، يَـا قَوْمَنَـا ، قُتُـلُ

58- حَتَّى يَظَـلّ عَمِيـدُ القَـوْمِ مُتَّكِئـاً رَّاحِ عَنْـهُ نِسـوَةٌ عُجُـلُ

59- أصَـابَـهُ هِنْـدُوَانـيٌّ ، فَأقْصَـدَهُ أَوْ ذَابِلٌ مِنْ رِمَـاحِ الخَـطِّ مُعتَـدِلُ

60- قَدْ نَطْعنُ العَيـرَ فِي مَكنُـونِ فَائِلِـهِ وَقَدْ يَشِيـطُ عَلَى أَرْمَاحِنَـا البَطَـلُ

61- هَلْ تَنْتَهُونَ ؟ وَلاَ يَنهَى ذَوِي شَطَـطٍ كَالطَّعنِ يَذهَبُ فِيهِ الزَّيـتُ وَالفُتُـلُ

62- إِنِّي لَعَمْـرُ الَّذِي خَطَّـتْ مَنَاسِمُـهَا لَـهُ وَسِيـقَ إِلَيْـهِ البَـاقِـرُ الغُيُـلُ

63- لَئِنْ قَتَلْتُمْ عَمِيـداً لَمْ يكُـنْ صَـدَداً لَنَقْتُلَـنْ مِثْـلَـهُ مِنكُـمْ فنَمتَثِـلُ

64- لَئِنْ مُنِيتَ بِنَـا عَنْ غِـبّ مَعرَكَـةٍ لَمْ تُلْفِنَـا مِنْ دِمَـاءِ القَـوْمِ نَنْتَفِـلُ

65- نَحنُ الفَوَارِسُ يَـوْمَ الحِنـوِ ضَاحِيَـةً جَنْبَيْ فُطَيمَةَ لاَ مِيـلٌ وَلاَ عُـزُلُ

66- قَالُوا الرُّكُوبَ ! فَقُلنَـا تِلْكَ عَادَتُنَـا أَوْ تَنْزِلُـونَ ، فَإِنَّـا مَعْشَـرٌ نُـزُلُ

المقدمة تتبعها الترجمة:


Of course this poem is one of the pre-Islamic period (the pagan era) poetry, and all poems in that period usually started with love or erotic poetry preface then followed by the praise for the tribe and the origin or the ancestry.
And usually all poets had the same manner as they consider sublime, honor, and loftiness one of their basic elements and characteristics, they do not have the symbol of betray or dishonor even they were killed or captured or whatever it may cost.
But their figurative of speech are the most difficult between all types of poems more eloquent in utterances and meanings that issue due to the olden language which almost is pure literary and fluent, thus the translation problems stayed with the limit of meaning and vocabularies.
Translating process:
1-I choose between the semantically and the communicatively methods as far as it could possible to choose the suitable and the better equivalences, moreover omit or change as possible as could some ambiguous words and replacing by other or renewing expressions of figurative of speech to be fit for our era.

2- However, some words or expressions are heavy-constructions of meaning and vocabularies I offer to choose the same rank of position which is equivalent or near the equivalent, but words of course are difficult in English language.

* This symbol is a mark of similarity between the horse and human being.


Say farewell, the convoy just had to depart
Do you really could endure the separation?
To whom, is estimable, of honour and dignity—
Whose, checks are glossy- shining of sympathy.
Who, she walks, as the small deer in a muddy snowing desert.
Or her walking as the passed clouds neither quick nor slow.
When, always she visits her neighbor or her uncle.
Even you could hear her anklets musically tumble.
As if the carrier pigeon swam in flaky swept wind—
Never was hated by their neighbor or had the nature of betray.
Eavesdrops not to their secret or reveals any.
Barely could go away unless was obliged
In visiting her fellows was tarry and slothfully.
When she was tackling with her braids, never was hurry.
In adjusting her fillet all parts will be shaken.
All her wide scarf and garment when ebb away—
Her waist or bosom could be flown justly.
That known- woman eschews not to talk us.
What a petty! Was she humble or ignorant?
When she saw such a dim- sighted man had fallen in discomfort.
Who, Toiling the adversary ebb and flow, of days- vicissitude.
Of that disproved life mostly was saturated entirely with madness and misfortune.
Softness of the comfortable bed enriches her—
Never could see her had the disarrayed lifestyle, neither tough nor stinking.
As if she had a finback flipper within ashen manicured elbows.
Or she had the unshod thorned sole, as a mark of toiling.
If she stands the musk rises of its scents.
Also the lily rose out of her sleeve, you could smell it.
Never could you see any rugged land will be barren, if the rainy season hits it regularly.
Do smile the sun an oldish shining geminated environment envisaged wholly with its verdure plants.
One day of its perfume never had been smelt.
That was diffused, even if the dusk was entered.
Accidentally, but sincerely I do love her.
Otherwise she loves another man who falls in love of another.
She had a daughter of him that her family still speaks about continually.
Turning in fright to which the child stays for adoption.
I fall in love of another woman, but she is out of my desire.
Immediately the love sickens my soul and my body.
Each one of us was sick in love, raving his fellow-name unconsciously.
Whether is; he nearby or faraway or makes himself madly to be mad.
She said; when I am her guest ugh! Woe unto you!
And, woe upon me for that melancholy fortune—
O', to who could see that accidentally transient cloud!
Imagining it; as the brightening, followed with flames.
Had the covered rump and the permission of freedom—
This is encircled with heavy downpour everywhere.
I had never claimed the languor when I watched it.
Or the pleasure of wine could prevent me to enjoy my eyes.
I thought when each nodule of my sick body even my beard were drunk.
But how could the drunken mustache feel or had sensed.
The brightening flashes over its sardonyx waterfall—
And in its malignant part there is an accidentally heavy cloud.
They said that who had pour origin; half of their nature had drawn from their uncles.
In their nature is alike the gold never will be rusted.
They are esteemed of nature as if the stream never will be stopped.
Unless covers the valleys and hillsides.
And continuously throws its blessing even there is much of flooding.
Which irrigates lands, and thirsty- sand grouse- birds do so like.
Irrigating lands and dwellings for along time were deserted.
Forgotten neither be visiting or shown feasts.
To witness, throng of people; leaders and messengers.
Worth mentioning -certain village- which is mostly vacant and doomily.
Crowded with devils never could be seen inhabited.
Never had who done a journey thought to settle there.
Even to think about a shadow to get nap.
Unless who had necessity and a waste of time.
I passed there riding the saddle of a bold horse out of the dwellings of a certain woman.
* Whose legs are slim brawny, similar to her legs and elbows.
Didn't you know we are stern of our behavior?
Formerly we live there familiar— not to wear sandals.
As the desert is barren and hot, we borrow its character.
Perhaps I embezzle the house owner surprisingly.
Even if he was aware, couldn't spear any efforts.
One day I used to be a master had followers.
Followed by a servant everywhere I had gone.
Or maybe I was accompanied with such flitter gluttony.
Or visits the pub, followed by group of gang of revelers,
Who, are usually wasting the time, in drink and laughter.
Usually am encircled betwixt people who are in war's affair familiar.
Girding themselves with Indian swords, knowing that if they couldn't defend there is no shelter.
The basil jumps to salute them and their Divan always is supplied with wet -tart coffee.
Not to say enough so long as tankards currently put on fire.
Taking around them a smart man gives them his drink respectively.
Wears special garment never touches the ground.
A responsive attendant who could effect upon cymbals always is present.
As well as songstresses could affect upon him.
That's my lifestyle gathering between softness and rigidity.
Had learning by its variant attitudes to adapt myself to each condition.
Have spending the time, either in amusement places or in gust houses.
Women who are wearing silk dresses are present there.
Immediately turn their postures around their posteriors put long dresses.
Hearing of Yazid bin Sheban's employee; yet didn't you stop wear out?
Not you still violate our pastures and yet! Harm our camels?
You had incited the tribe of Masood and his brothers.
But when we met you in battle, we shall kill both of you.
Then you will be aware not to met us when the battle breakout.
The swords shall fight against their foes as well as the javelins.
Then you are similar of someone butts the hard- rocks.
Never will be got victory or got answer.
As if the ibex breaks his horn if tries to butt alike.
Then you couldn't find the way to escape or could get such harbor.
I alarm you not to be enemy of us, we are tribe are not forsaken.
Our javelins could combat each of you and the victory is ours.
Be aware not to claim the delay as long as you had set the fire.
I remember you the war between the cave residents and their enemy.
When they cease it down, their opponents unsheathe their swords.
Ask other tribe about us, they should tell you not to hazard or try venture.
Or ask all deserts' tribe they shall tell you the same answer.
We had fought them until the death encircled the domain.
Fear not, to confront each one, our swords are hastier.
When our foes try not to confess or recognize our neighbor.
You deny that we couldn't combat thee, but we send our reply in quick manner.
Until the leader of yours got death and women weep him nearer.
To be slain by an Indian sword, lying on the earth had many thrusts.
Perhaps our javelins could thrust the insignificant one, but the hero maybe got escape.
Didn't you have deliberation to stop this war! The fire will eat the dry and wet.
I am the man whose answer is clear, not to swear or rattle.
But if I swear I shall swear by who the thickets to "Him" are responding.
If you kill our head leader by mistake, we shall slay the similar but intentionally.
If you had the consequence of any battle, we shall not be later to claim the revenge.
We are the chivalries of the distress-day and our horses are of good-breed.
Have the sympathy even we are the winners.
They mention the horsemanship; we said that's our course and approach.
But, if you catch the peace, we will soon surrender.