We can divide the sentence type according to its order or its structure:

Group 1:

a- statement or declarative: Ali is a teacher . The room is big . the garden is famous and beautiful.
b- Imperative : give me the book. Do your homework.
c- Exclamation sentence :what beautiful the sky is!
d- Interrogative : why you come late? How does he write? What’s your name?

group 2 :

sentence structure :

1- simple sentence : includes one independent clause : e.g. The car is fast. The train comes now. The man is sitting against the window . He teaches me English
2- Compound sentence : compound sentence consist from tow independent clauses and joined by conjunction words such as; (for , and, nor , but , or , yet, so ) , and we can symbol them by the two words ( fan boys ) , additional to (( that and then)). Each one of the two sentence called coordination clause and conjunction word called the coordinated conjunction. or coordinators.
Example :I like Ali , and Ali likes me.
He is clever , but he is always late. لاحظ الجملة هنا فيها تناقض -----

3-The complex sentences : This consist of, from main clause always is independent , and one or more dependent clauses , and connected by some words like : why , what , whatever, however , whoever , how , whenever , when , because , since , for , after , whose , though , although , that , neither this nor that , and which , etc…

The main clause comes in the beginning or at the last, the second clause of the complex sentence is called the ( subordinate clause ) - جملة ثانوية

e.g. that you do that , still un certain.
Still un certain is the- main clause , that you do that- is the subordinate clause.
Each sentence started by the coordinator is the ( subordinate clause)
Subordinated clauses can function as a subject or object , and may be an adverbial clause , verb less phrase working as complement.

The example was mentioned above ( that you do that ) , comes as subject ( i.e. all the mentioned clause is subject ) , and here the subordinate clause preceded the main clause which is (( still un certain))… main clause

e.g. 2 : I told him, that he was wrong. Here the subordinate clause comes as object .

e.g. 3 : they went , whenever they find a work … as adverbial clause

e.g. 4 : the solution is , that we must finished our job …… as a subject complement And the connected words called the subordinator..

فمن الملاحظ إن الجملة الثانوية تأتي في حالات عدة لذا تحتاج ألي بحث جديد.