السلام عليكم احبتي وزملائي الواتويين

لم اجد منتدىً اضع فيه قصائدي التي اكتبها الا منتدى ترجمة الشعر. كتبت القصيدة ادناه بالانكليزية

ودًي و تقديري

ابو عبدالله

A City Stabbed (2005) Fallujah of Iraq
By: Habeeb Al-Obeidi

Nostalgic he felt and delved
Into the city aggressively overwhelmed
Tears floated his eyes
And his bosom flooded
Piles of annihilated properties
Tossed the toppled grounds .

Past hope long dwelt there
Demise brought about by MDW clear .
Lush living became long queues
Panting for bread and returns
Whose signs severely destroyed
Keeping carcasses underground .

Wisdom and lessons got at last
Past life greatly turned desperate

Mans’ stubbornness brings about plight
That could have been turned into delight .

That city witnessed serious outcomes
Past years of blessed affluences