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الموضوع: ألا تردي يا سلمى شعر عمودي وترجمة محمد محمود أحمد

العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي ألا تردي يا سلمى شعر عمودي وترجمة محمد محمود أحمد

    ألا تردي يا سلمى ؟

    Verses written and translated by

    Mohammad Mahmud Ahmad

    شعر محمد محمود أحمد

    ***العراق رمز الإباء***

    سلمى يا معشوقة َ العصر ِ يا معصرة َ شجوني ووجدي
    يا من أنامُ وذكراها يؤرقُني فلا أجد دونَ البِلى ما يُجدي
    وفي عيني تقرحٌ وأوصالي من سنا ذكرِها تأِن ُ و تَصْدِي
    سلمى ومن بَعدكِ يا سلمى يُواسيني ومن للنُصح ِ يُسدي
    سلمى لو غابتْ شَمسُ ديرَتِنا توسدتُ الثرى على خدِ
    سلمى والريحُ مقبلة ٌ تَشدو فهل لبارقة ٍ ألفة ُ ناصعة ُالود ِ
    سلمى والخيل ُ تجرُ بنواصِيها وفي هاماتِها عزمٌ مبينٌ وتحدي
    سلمى وسكون البحرِ يُنسيني ألم َ أوصال ٍ مقطعةٌ بين قلبي وكبدي
    سلمى والطيرُ يَصْدح ُ بنشيدهِ أنغاما ً عِذابا ً تُفري ولا تُندي
    أناشدكِ يا سلمى بشاشة ُ تُزيلُ نيرانا ً تأجَجَتْ في صدري
    وفي الرعد ِ هزيم ٌُ صاخب ٌ وفي أُخراهُ غيث ُ يروي الصَدي
    سلمى أنتِ كالبحرُ في هيجانِه يَحمِلُني سبَيلُهُ بين الجزرِ والمدِ
    سلمى أرى الخصوم َ كثرٌ وسيوفهم تحيطني بين الغدرِ والكيد ِ
    سلمى أرى أبياتي وأشعاري ردودها قليلة السعي والرد ِ
    فهل الذنب مني أم الواشون لعبوا بين غمز ٍ ولمز ٍ بعدي؟؟
    لا حفظ الله لهم صنيعا بين صُدورِهم الماءُ الزعافُ المُسَّخد ِ!
    سلمى بابُ المجد ِ سأطرقه ُ بمطرقةٍ وسيف ٍماضيا الحدِ
    يذكرني خيالُك فيشد عزمي ولا تبالي روحي لِهَم ٍ أو نكد ِ
    وما تضنيني نار الهوى بين جوانحي ولكن ألم ُالفراق ِ والبعد !!
    يشدني الشَفقُ فتعلو شفاهي بسمة ٌ وقد أجدُ الفيافي ملاذ َ المُتوحدِ
    وما الشهر عندي ألا كيوم ٍ أو ساعة ٍ أحسبُ فيها حسابَ الموعدِ
    تُذكرُني الفيافي بوجهك الطلق ِ يُلازمني حين أغدو أو أغتدي
    بين حل ٍ وترحال ٍ وعن كثب ٍ لا يبارحُ مَجُدكِ عُلوَّ المَشْهَد ِ
    كلما وطأتُ كثيبا ً سارت القوافي تتبعني حرة ً كريمة ُ المحتدِ
    ولو وزَّعْتُ صيدَ أشعاري لضاقَ بها السهلُ والوادي
    ولو أن المنايا صادقة ٌ في أمانيها ما بقى من جيش ٍ ولا جُنْد ِ
    ولكن لكُل ِ فارسُ كبوة ٌ وما كبوتي ألا أني كثير النَد ِ
    تترفع ُ نفسي عن ضغائنهم عتيةٌ دونهم بالباب الموصد ِ
    يخشون أن تُصفعَ هامهم بشسع نعال من سمين ٍ مُزْرَدِ
    وما أنا راغبٌ فيهم بشعرة ٍ من جلد ِ الثورٍ اللهق ِ الأمرد ِ
    أرى أن الحيف يُحيط ُ الكرام َ وينأى عن الفاسدِ المُبْعدِ
    وأرى أن جور بعض المفترين أشد وقعا من وقع الحُسام ِِالمُهند ِ
    ولكن لا أبالي لشقشقتهم ونفاقهم وما يزيدني ألا هديا على هدي
    و يا أسفي على دنيا ً تُحابي صدقَ المودة ِ بالجهل ِ الأسْود ِ
    النفاجون والكاذبون أوفرُ حَضا ً والصادقون شرذمةٌ قليلة ُ العَددِ
    ومن مثلهم أدورُ الشاميُ هذا منبوذُ النوايا كالصفيح ِ المُجَرَّدِ
    لا في عيرٍ ولا في نفيرٍ وإنما هو الخسِيسُ القُعْدَد ِ
    عافَ الديارَ أيام َمحنتِها وأرتضى الغَرْبَ كالربيبِ الولد ِ
    يدعي علما ً وفهما ًوفلسفة ً فلم أجدْ فيه العلم َ المُسند ِِ
    قسيسُ أم خائبة ٍ نكرَ حليبَها وتناسى حرمة َالأبِ والجدِ
    فلا هو موصولُ النوايا ولا قاطِعُها نكرانٌ بين الهزل ِ والجد ِ
    قد أستعْصَتهُ كلمةٌ نَكِرَها ويشهدُ عليها القاموسُ المُورَّدِ
    قد ضقت ذرعا بما قلت يا هذا ألا فأنجلي عني وأبعد ِ
    كَدرَّتَ صفوَ عيش ٍ كنت أطلبُهُ ألا فأعلنها في المزادِ
    غدا تلقِني في الميدان ِ مُبارزا ًما أوقفني برٌ ولا وادي
    وما خِدرُ العوالي بمستبعدٍ سرى الساري أو حدى الحادي
    غدا تلقني وسأريك طعناً ينفك دونها كلُّ حصن ٍ مُعادي
    ولكن طعني بالشِعْرِ الفَصَيحِ وبالعُجْمي كل على إنفرادِ
    فإلى هذا وذاك فأرتقب لنا كرةٌ بيضاءٌ يوم َ المِعادِ
    نحن العراقيون أباةُ ضيم ٍ لا نقبلُ وصية َ مَنْ يُعادي
    فإذا ما أُغظْنا يوما ً لم يكنْ فينا خائبُ العزم ِالمتَردد
    وليس فينا مخلوع َ فؤادٍ وهكذا شعارنا النِدَّ بالندِِ
    وأن عفونا وسَمحنا فنحن الكبارُ فوقَ هامة ِ المجدِ
    كُلنُّا أهلُ شرف ٍ لا نساومُ الدنسَ ولا نهينُ حُرمةَ الفقيرِ الأوحدِ
    سأرحل عن دارٍ خسةٍ أنتَ صاحبُها ولو جارَ الزمانُ على الفقيرِ المُقعدِ
    فهلا أنصفتني يا سلمى فيما قُلته والآن تبينَّ لك الصدقُ من الكيدِ
    وحياتك ِ ما برحَ الفؤادُ ولا ساورني لغيرُكِ هواً إلى الأبد ِ
    وهل أكرمتِ المحبَّ طائعةٌ أو أموتَ دون هواكِ في حسرةٍ وكمد ِ

    Selma you are the mistress of widely emotion
    You are the mill that grinds my passion
    Selma your name keeps me awake all night
    Even I cannot distinguish between dark and light
    Because of her love my eyes become ulcerated
    And my joints turn painful and cracked
    Selma, who is after you, consoles me sweetly!
    In addition, who gives me the advice faithfully?
    Selma, you are the sun of our region, if it is vanished,
    I put my bare cheek regretfully over the rough ground
    Selma your vision comes along with each breeze softly.
    Didn't it bring any passionate feelings of cordiality?
    Selma I imagine you when the horses run quickly
    There is apparent challenge on their head likely
    Selma you are as the calm sea as a cure I borrow
    It makes my soul forgets its pain and its sorrow.
    Your vision comes along with the chanted birds nicely.
    Their chants enter the heart easily and softly.
    I ask you to pay attention to me cheerfully
    Perhaps it removes my sadness terminally.
    In the thundering of thunder there is clamorous sound.
    But in its end the welfare and the mercy is found.
    You are alike the rough sea between ebb and tide
    It would carry me always to each side.
    I see my foes are numerable drawing their swords.
    They try to deceit me whether inside or abroad.
    Selma I saw my verses are ignored
    Have not many replies or threads.
    Is the reason on me only or in the talebearers really?
    Perhaps they plotted after me on secret as enemy.
    I wish God did not guard their awful deed.
    They keep the wrath in their soils indeed.
    Selma I shall save no effort unless I reach the sublimity.
    However, I shall not abandon each way of generosiၴy.
    Your vision reminds me and encourages my resolution.
    No longer and I forget my agony and my delusion.
    However, the agony of love is worth to mention.
    But the most painful of them is the separation.
    The twilight arouses me and the smile comes immediately
    Perhaps I think the desert is the suitable refuge to me.
    The month is to me as a day or an hour.
    I wait thy reunion eagerly although I suffer
    The deserts remind me thy shine visage always
    It is present with me in all my ways
    Whether you decamp or set free and closely,
    Your glory is highbred and seeks the lofty
    Every dune I trod my verses followed me
    They were generous verses of golden key
    If I distribute my verses, they are plenty
    The plane could not include them even the valley.
    If the deadly fate is truthful in what is considerably
    No army and no battlers should remain undoubtedly
    But everyman has his own misstep and adversity.
    And my own is the numerable of hostility
    My soul disdains their furious hatred nature
    It has closed door against their rancor.
    They were fearful to be flung by a sandal thong.
    Mayest they deserve this insult without wrong.
    I have not wishes inside them even it is tiny need
    Like a hair taken from a wild aux of a bald head
    I saw that the oppression is nearby the generous men
    And keeps away out of the excluded wanton
    I saw the oppression of some liars in specially,
    Is most harmful than the sword's stab generally
    But I do not care to their hypocrisy
    And it will increase my opposition certainly
    Alas! Upon this life is partial to each thing is futility
    It favours the dark ignorance on the expense of purity
    And the arrogant and liar men are lucky
    While the faithful men are less worthy
    Someone like them is called Edward the coquet
    He has outcast intention likes the corroded plate.
    He is insignificant although he pretends the knowledge
    He is the vile coward man, never has courage
    He left his country torn in ordeals and went outside.
    He made from the West as home like the adopted child.
    He pretends the wisdom and philosophy
    I did not notice on him anything is helpfully.
    Woe! Upon his mother, her son is clergyman.
    He forgets the esteem of fatherhood and grandson.
    He has neither continuous intentions nor cutting away.
    Between the joking and seriousness, he acts playfully.
    He said that "doubtfulness" is not English word.
    All dictionaries mention it even the "Maured".
    He said that he is a master in English and specialist.
    I wonder! How can they find the respect on the West?
    I am unable to bear what he said or might say
    I advise him to avoid me and not to stop on my way
    He made my attendance miserable so I am somber
    I shall enounce it apparently between all members.
    You shall see me tomorrow as a duelist in thy location
    No valley or land can reduce my resolution
    The boudoir of the esteem woman can be reachable.
    If someone is truthful, his whishes are obtainable
    Tomorrow you shall see my stabs and I will not late.
    The stabs that threaten any hostile bastion, you may wait.
    But it is a duel on language and in fluent poetry
    As well as in non-Arab languages separately
    Between this and that, you may wait my promise anyway.
    I shall come as a white cloud in the promising day.
    We are the Iraqi men who refuse the oppression.
    We refuse the custody and we hate the aggression.
    I advise you not to be close more and go away.
    Not to enrage me then I will enrage you one day.
    If the anger makes us furious and wrathful,
    You shall not see us coward men or regretful.
    We have not the timid man between us undoubtedly.
    Our banner is to fight the reciprocation certainly.
    If we forgive and pardon, that is our good quality.
    Always we have the generous esteem and glory.
    All of us have sublime honour and dignity
    Hardly have we violated the poor sanctity.
    I shall move away out of your tyrant home immediately.
    I do not need your help even if the time hurts me awfully.
    Do you agree with me now Selma, in what I said?
    Now the truth and deception are clear indeed.
    By your life, my heart has not passion except to you
    It is constant passion and it is not so and so
    Do you donate thy lover a good glance and appearance?
    Or I die in thy love grieved and have pitiful importance.
    Praise is to Allah who is the defender of oppressed people and who protects them from the vicious deed of the haughty men. Amen

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة صالح المدني ; 23/09/2012 الساعة 08:47 AM

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