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النتائج 1 إلى 9 من 9

الموضوع: أمواج قصيرة: مهداة إلى الأديب عيسى حديبي

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    نائب المدير العام الصورة الرمزية محمود عباس مسعود
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي أمواج قصيرة: مهداة إلى الأديب عيسى حديبي

    أمواج قصيرة
    للأديب عيسى حديبي
    الترجمة: محمود عباس مسعود

    Short Waves
    Anecdotes by Aissa Hadibi
    Translated by: Mahmoud Abbas Masoud

    أخذ يطالع الجريدة بنهم ..
    لأن العنوان شده ..
    لكنه تاه في الصفحة بحثا عنه ولم يجده.

    Voraciously, he devoured the newspaper
    Because the heading captivated his attention
    And captured his interest
    However, he got lost, looking for it, on the page
    And was unable to find it.

    ماء الحياة
    سار الجميع خلفه ،
    وبعد قبره
    مات الكل،إلاّ هو ..
    فاضت في الجو ،روحه ..
    ابتسم للحياة وقال:
    كم انتظرت هذا الميلاد!

    The Living Water
    Everyone walked behind him
    After burying him
    All, except him, died
    His soul dashed into the infinite space
    He smiled to life, saying:
    O How longingly I have been awaiting
    This new birth

    بعدما فشلت جميع محاولاته ..
    جلس عند الشاطئ ..
    ورسم حطام زورق ..
    بالخط العربي.

    The Dream
    After all his attempts had failed
    He sat on the beach
    And drew, with Arabic characters
    The wreckage of a boat

    مملكة الوهم

    يبحث عن كلمات .. بحجم المرآة التي فضحت شيبه وعيبه الأسطوري .. عبثا يحاول رسم الجهات .. ملاحق بلعنة يدّعي أنّها قدرية .. تلاحقه حتى الممات .. لأنّه رفض أن يورث من حوله الحياة.

    The Kingdom of Illusion

    He searches for words
    As big as the mirror
    That exposed his legendary
    Gray hair and deficiency.
    Vainly he tries to draw the directions
    He is pursued by what he calls
    A preordained curse
    That will follow him until death
    Because he failed to bequeath the life around him

    أخبرني صديق لي عن عدوى تفشّت في الأرانب ..
    استفسر عنها في الانترنت ..
    اهتم لذلك أهل ما وراء البحر ..
    منحوه عنوانا في البلد ..
    تلفن وعرف أنّ بائع الأدوية ..
    أفلس فغيّر النشاط.

    The Veterinary
    A friend told me about a disease
    That made its way into the rabbit population
    And spread rapidly in their bodies
    He inquired about the disease, on the internet
    People abroad showed interest
    And gave him an address in his own country
    He called the number
    But was told that the pharmacist
    Had declared bankruptcy
    And changed the line of his work

    ضلّ ..أمسى .. بات
    يطالع نور شمعة خافت
    غلبه النعاس.. فاستسلم لهيبة النوم
    على بعد أمتار من أبواب الفجر.

    The Truth
    He lost himself
    And spent the hours
    Watching the faint candle light
    Drowsiness overcame him
    A few meters away from Dawn's doors
    He surrendered to the majestic reality of Sleep

    أصابهم اليتم مبكّرا ً..
    هاهم ينتظرون رأفة أبيهم ..
    بلغ الشيخ من الكبر عتيا ..
    فجمع أولاده حوله ..
    عرفوا أنّه سلّم المفتاح ..
    لغريب تبنّاه خفية.

    The Will
    They were orphaned at an early age
    Here they were
    Awaiting the loving kindness of their father
    Who had reached a ripe old age
    He gathered his children around him
    They knew that he had given the key
    To a stranger
    Whom he had secretly adopted

    أيقن أنّها تحبّه
    شكت حالها
    فوقع في شباك الشكّ
    طول العمر

    The Selfish Man
    Assured of her love
    He tortured her
    She complained to the mirror
    He succumbed to doubt
    For the rest of his life

    أنهكه المرض ..
    أصبح وأمسى حزينا..
    أسير كرسي لا يفارقه..
    ينام مستيقظا .. يرجو النهاية..
    بعدما كان حلمه.. اللانهاية

    Old Age
    Disease exhausted him
    He spent his mornings
    And evenings sad, dejected
    And confined to a wheelchair
    That has become his constant companion
    He sleeps fully awake
    Wishing for the end
    After having dreamed of endlessness

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمود عباس مسعود ; 26/09/2010 الساعة 01:43 AM

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