The Tabun ovens of the Homeland
Palestinian Poet Ahmed Rimawi
Translated by Nizar Sartawi

bring me a painting of the bobwhites of hope
from our red land

bring me a star from our luminous fields
and squeeze the clouds of eyes

The songs of the thirsty boat fluttered
and the bobwhite smiled

The outskirts of my seas are longing
for the wagtail
for the sparrow
telling the inula about the goldfinch’s beauty
consulting time

My poetry was cooked with grief
Out of its fire
the tabun ovens of the homeland spread out their smell


طَوابين الوطن
الشاعر الفلسطيني د. أحمد الريماوي

هاتِ لي مِنْ أَرْضِنا الحَمْراءِ لَوْحَةْ..
مِنْ شَنانير الأَمَلْ

هاتِ لي من حَقْلنا الوَضَّاحِ نَجْمَةْ
واعْتَصِرْ غَيْمَ المُقَلْ

رَفَّتْ أَغاني الزَّوْرَق العَطْشان
فابْتَسَمَ الحَجَلْ

حَنَّتْ ضَواحي أَبْحُري
للكِرْكِسٍ "الحِذْرِيّ"
يروي فتنة الحسونِ للطَّيُّونِ
يَسْتَفْتي الزَّمَنْ

شِعْري المُطَهَّى بالشَّجَنْ
من نارِهِ..
فاحَتْ طَوابين الوَطَنْ