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الموضوع: The Handbook of Linguistics

  1. #1
    بروفيسور ترجمة اللغة الإنجليزية الصورة الرمزية د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي The Handbook of Linguistics

    The Handbook of Linguistics
    Edited by: Mark Aronoff And Janie Rees-Miller
    eISBN: 9781405102520
    Print publication date: 2002

    Aronoff, Mark And Janie Rees-Miller (Eds). The Handbook of
    Linguistics. Blackwell Publishing, 2002. Blackwell Reference Online.
    30 November 2007
    The Handbook of Linguistics
    Blackwell Reference Online: The Handbook of Linguistics Sayfa 1 / 1
    كتاب مرجعي لا يستغنى عنه، والمراجع بالمئات!

    Presupposing no prior knowledge of linguistics, The Handbook of
    Linguistics is the ideal resource for people who want to learn about
    the subject and its subdisciplines.
    Written by globally recognized leading figures, this Handbook
    provides a comprehensive and accessible account of the field of
    linguistics. It begins with a general overview that considers the
    origins of language, frames the discipline within its historical
    context, and looks at how linguists acquire new data. It then turns to
    the traditional subdisciplines of linguistics.
    This authoritative Handbook provides a broad yet detailed picture of
    what is known about language today


    For over a century, linguists have been trying to explain linguistics to other people who they believe
    should be interested in their subject matter. After all, everyone speaks at least one language and most
    people have fairly strong views about their own language. The most distinguished scholars in every
    generation have written general books about language and linguistics targeted at educated laypeople
    and at scholars in adjacent disciplines, and some of these books have become classics, at least among
    linguists. The first great American linguist, William Dwight Whitney, published The Life and Growth of
    Language: An Outline of Linguistic Science, in 1875. In the dozen years between 1921 and 1933, the
    three best known English-speaking linguists in the world (Edward Sapir in 1921, Otto Jespersen in
    1922, and Leonard Bloomfield in 1933) all wrote books under the title Language. All were very
    successful and continued to be reprinted for many years. In our own time, Noam Chomsky, certainly
    the most famous of theoretical linguists, has tried to make his ideas on language more accessible in
    such less technical books as Language and Mind (1968) and Reflections on Language (1975). And
    more recently, Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct (1995) stayed on the best-seller list for many
    Despite these efforts, linguistics has not made many inroads into educated public discourse. Although
    linguists in the last hundred years have uncovered a great deal about human language and how it is
    acquired and used, the advances and discoveries are still mostly unknown outside a small group of
    practitioners. Many reasons have been given for this gap between academic and public thinking about
    language, the most commonly cited reasons being: that people have strong and sometimes erroneous
    views about language and have little interest in being disabused of their false beliefs; or that people
    are too close to language to be able to see that it has interesting and complex properties. Whatever
    the reason, the gap remains and is getting larger the more we learn about language
    The Handbook of Linguistics is a general introductory volume designed to address this gap in
    knowledge about language. Presupposing no prior knowledge of linguistics, it is intended for people
    who would like to know what linguistics and its subdisciplines are about. The book was designed to
    be as nontechnical as possible, while at the same time serving as a repository for what is known about
    language as we enter the twenty-first century
    If The Handbook of Linguistics is to be regarded as authoritative, this will be in large part because of
    the identity of the authors of the chapters. We have recruited globally recognized leading figures to
    write each of the chapters. While the culture of academia is such that academic authors find it
    tremendously difficult to write anything for anyone other than their colleagues, our central editorial
    goal has been to avoid this pitfall. Our emphasis on the reader's perspective sets The Handbook of
    Linguistics apart from other similar projects
    The place of the field of linguistics in academia has been debated since its inception. When we look at
    universities, we may find a linguistics department in either the social sciences or the humanities.
    When we look at the American government agencies that fund university research, we find that the
    National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes
    of Health all routinely award grants for research in linguistics. So where does linguistics belong? The
    answer is not in where linguistics is placed administratively, but rather in how linguists think. Here the
    answer is quite clear: linguists by and large view themselves as scientists and they view their field as a
    science, the scientific study of language. This has been true since the nineteenth century, when Max
    Mueller could entitle a book published in 1869 The Science of Language and the first chapter of that
    book “The science of language one of the physical sciences
    The fact that linguistics is today defined as the scientific study of language carries with it the implicit
    claim that a science of language is possible, and this alone takes many by surprise. For surely, they
    say, language, like all human activity, is beyond the scope of true science. Linguists believe that their
    field is a science because they share the goals of scientific inquiry, which is objective (or more
    properly intersubjectively accessible) understanding. Once we accept that general view of science as a
    kind of inquiry, then it should be possible to have a science of anything, so long as it is possible to
    achieve intersubjectively accessible understanding of that thing. There are, of course, those who deny
    the possibility of such scientific understanding of anything, but we will not broach that topic here
    We now know that the possibility of scientific understanding depends largely on the complexity and
    regularity of the object of study. Physics has been so successful because the physical world is,
    relatively speaking, highly regular and not terribly complex. Human sciences, by contrast, have been
    much less successful and much slower to produce results, largely because human behavior is so
    complex and not nearly so regular as is the physical or even the biological world. Language, though,
    contrasts with other aspects of human behavior precisely in its regularity, what has been called its
    rule-governed nature. It is precisely this property of language and language-related behavior that has
    allowed for fairly great progress in our understanding of this delimited area of human behavior.
    Furthermore, the fact that language is the defining property of humans, that it is shared across all
    human communities and is manifested in no other species, means that by learning about language we
    will inevitably also learn about human nature
    Each chapter in this book is designed to describe to the general reader the state of our knowledge at
    the beginning of the twenty-first century of one aspect of human language. The authors of each
    chapter have devoted most of their adult lives to the study of this one aspect of language. Together,
    we believe, these chapters provide a broad yet detailed picture of what is known about language as
    we move into the new millennium. The chapters are each meant to be free-standing. A reader who is
    interested in how children acquire language, for example, should be able to turn to chapter 19 and
    read it profitably without having to turn first to other chapters for assistance. But the physical nature
    of a book entails that there be an order of presentation. We begin with general overview chapters that
    consider the origins of language as species-specific behavior and describe the raw material with
    which linguists work (languages of the world and writing systems), frame the discipline within its
    historical context, and look at how linguists acquire new data from previously undescribed languages
    (field linguistics). The book then turns to the traditional subdisciplines of linguistics. Here we have
    followed most linguistics books in starting from the bottom, grounding language first in the physical
    world of sound (phonetics) and moving up through the organization of sound in language
    (phonology), to the combination of sounds into words (morphology), and the combination of words
    into sentences (syntax). Meaning (semantics) usually comes next, on the grounds that it operates on
    words and sentences. These areas are traditionally said to form the core of linguistics, because they
    deal with the most formally structured aspects of language. Within the last few decades, however,
    linguists have come to realize that we cannot understand the most formally structured aspects of
    language without also understanding the way language is used to convey information (pragmatics) in
    conversation (discourse) and in literature, and the way language interacts with other aspects of
    society (sociolinguistics
    Fifty years ago, many of our chapters would have been absent from a book of this sort for the simple
    but dramatic reason that these fields of inquiry did not exist: language acquisition, multilingualism,
    sign language, neurolinguistics, computational linguistics, and all of the areas of applied linguistics to
    which we have devoted separate chapters (the one area of applied linguistics that did exist fifty years
    ago was language teaching
    The chapters are of a uniform length, approximately 10,000 words each, or about 25 printed pages.the reader. Applied linguistics is divided into several distinct areas that would be of interest to
    students and others who want to know what practical applications linguistics has. Because each of the
    applied linguistics chapters covers a more specialized area, these chapters are somewhat shorter than
    the rest (approximately 4,000 words each, or about 10 printed pages
    We have tried not to emphasize ideology, but rather to divide things up by empirical criteria having to
    do with the sorts of phenomena that a given field of inquiry covers. We have thought long and hard
    about whether some of the major areas, especially syntax and phonology, should be broken down
    further, with a chapter each on distinct theoretical approaches. Our final decision was not to
    subdivide by theoretical approaches, based on a bel ief that the reader's perspective is paramount in
    books like this: readers of a companion do not want to know what the latest controversy is about or
    who disagrees with whom or who said what when. Rather, they want to have a reasonable idea of what
    linguistics or some subarea of linguistics can tell them. The authors have been able to do so without
    going into the latest controversies, though these controversies may occupy the linguists’ everyday
    lives. The one area to which we have devoted more than one chapter is syntax, but this reflects the
    dominance of syntactic research in linguistics over the last half century
    We do not see this handbook as an introductory textbook, which would, for example, have questions
    or exercises at the end of each chapter. There are already enough introductory linguistics texts. We
    see it rather as an authoritative volume on what linguists know about language at the start of the
    twenty-first century. Each chapter covers the central questions and goals of a particular subdiscipline,
    what is generally accepted as known in that area, and how it relates to other areas
    When we embarked on this editorial enterprise, we expected to enjoy the interaction with many of our
    most distinguished colleagues that the preparation of this book would entail, which is so much easier
    now in the age of electronic correspondence. What we did not realize was how much we would learn
    from these colleagues about language and linguistics, simply from reading their work and discussing
    it with them. We thank all of the authors for this wonderful opportunity and we hope that the readers,
    too, will share in the same great pleasure.


  2. #2
    بروفيسور ترجمة اللغة الإنجليزية الصورة الرمزية د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي The Handbook of Linguistics

    The Handbook of Linguistics
    Edited by: Mark Aronoff And Janie Rees-Miller
    eISBN: 9781405102520
    Print publication date: 2002

    Aronoff, Mark And Janie Rees-Miller (Eds). The Handbook of
    Linguistics. Blackwell Publishing, 2002. Blackwell Reference Online.
    30 November 2007
    The Handbook of Linguistics
    Blackwell Reference Online: The Handbook of Linguistics Sayfa 1 / 1
    كتاب مرجعي لا يستغنى عنه، والمراجع بالمئات!

    Presupposing no prior knowledge of linguistics, The Handbook of
    Linguistics is the ideal resource for people who want to learn about
    the subject and its subdisciplines.
    Written by globally recognized leading figures, this Handbook
    provides a comprehensive and accessible account of the field of
    linguistics. It begins with a general overview that considers the
    origins of language, frames the discipline within its historical
    context, and looks at how linguists acquire new data. It then turns to
    the traditional subdisciplines of linguistics.
    This authoritative Handbook provides a broad yet detailed picture of
    what is known about language today


    For over a century, linguists have been trying to explain linguistics to other people who they believe
    should be interested in their subject matter. After all, everyone speaks at least one language and most
    people have fairly strong views about their own language. The most distinguished scholars in every
    generation have written general books about language and linguistics targeted at educated laypeople
    and at scholars in adjacent disciplines, and some of these books have become classics, at least among
    linguists. The first great American linguist, William Dwight Whitney, published The Life and Growth of
    Language: An Outline of Linguistic Science, in 1875. In the dozen years between 1921 and 1933, the
    three best known English-speaking linguists in the world (Edward Sapir in 1921, Otto Jespersen in
    1922, and Leonard Bloomfield in 1933) all wrote books under the title Language. All were very
    successful and continued to be reprinted for many years. In our own time, Noam Chomsky, certainly
    the most famous of theoretical linguists, has tried to make his ideas on language more accessible in
    such less technical books as Language and Mind (1968) and Reflections on Language (1975). And
    more recently, Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct (1995) stayed on the best-seller list for many
    Despite these efforts, linguistics has not made many inroads into educated public discourse. Although
    linguists in the last hundred years have uncovered a great deal about human language and how it is
    acquired and used, the advances and discoveries are still mostly unknown outside a small group of
    practitioners. Many reasons have been given for this gap between academic and public thinking about
    language, the most commonly cited reasons being: that people have strong and sometimes erroneous
    views about language and have little interest in being disabused of their false beliefs; or that people
    are too close to language to be able to see that it has interesting and complex properties. Whatever
    the reason, the gap remains and is getting larger the more we learn about language
    The Handbook of Linguistics is a general introductory volume designed to address this gap in
    knowledge about language. Presupposing no prior knowledge of linguistics, it is intended for people
    who would like to know what linguistics and its subdisciplines are about. The book was designed to
    be as nontechnical as possible, while at the same time serving as a repository for what is known about
    language as we enter the twenty-first century
    If The Handbook of Linguistics is to be regarded as authoritative, this will be in large part because of
    the identity of the authors of the chapters. We have recruited globally recognized leading figures to
    write each of the chapters. While the culture of academia is such that academic authors find it
    tremendously difficult to write anything for anyone other than their colleagues, our central editorial
    goal has been to avoid this pitfall. Our emphasis on the reader's perspective sets The Handbook of
    Linguistics apart from other similar projects
    The place of the field of linguistics in academia has been debated since its inception. When we look at
    universities, we may find a linguistics department in either the social sciences or the humanities.
    When we look at the American government agencies that fund university research, we find that the
    National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes
    of Health all routinely award grants for research in linguistics. So where does linguistics belong? The
    answer is not in where linguistics is placed administratively, but rather in how linguists think. Here the
    answer is quite clear: linguists by and large view themselves as scientists and they view their field as a
    science, the scientific study of language. This has been true since the nineteenth century, when Max
    Mueller could entitle a book published in 1869 The Science of Language and the first chapter of that
    book “The science of language one of the physical sciences
    The fact that linguistics is today defined as the scientific study of language carries with it the implicit
    claim that a science of language is possible, and this alone takes many by surprise. For surely, they
    say, language, like all human activity, is beyond the scope of true science. Linguists believe that their
    field is a science because they share the goals of scientific inquiry, which is objective (or more
    properly intersubjectively accessible) understanding. Once we accept that general view of science as a
    kind of inquiry, then it should be possible to have a science of anything, so long as it is possible to
    achieve intersubjectively accessible understanding of that thing. There are, of course, those who deny
    the possibility of such scientific understanding of anything, but we will not broach that topic here
    We now know that the possibility of scientific understanding depends largely on the complexity and
    regularity of the object of study. Physics has been so successful because the physical world is,
    relatively speaking, highly regular and not terribly complex. Human sciences, by contrast, have been
    much less successful and much slower to produce results, largely because human behavior is so
    complex and not nearly so regular as is the physical or even the biological world. Language, though,
    contrasts with other aspects of human behavior precisely in its regularity, what has been called its
    rule-governed nature. It is precisely this property of language and language-related behavior that has
    allowed for fairly great progress in our understanding of this delimited area of human behavior.
    Furthermore, the fact that language is the defining property of humans, that it is shared across all
    human communities and is manifested in no other species, means that by learning about language we
    will inevitably also learn about human nature
    Each chapter in this book is designed to describe to the general reader the state of our knowledge at
    the beginning of the twenty-first century of one aspect of human language. The authors of each
    chapter have devoted most of their adult lives to the study of this one aspect of language. Together,
    we believe, these chapters provide a broad yet detailed picture of what is known about language as
    we move into the new millennium. The chapters are each meant to be free-standing. A reader who is
    interested in how children acquire language, for example, should be able to turn to chapter 19 and
    read it profitably without having to turn first to other chapters for assistance. But the physical nature
    of a book entails that there be an order of presentation. We begin with general overview chapters that
    consider the origins of language as species-specific behavior and describe the raw material with
    which linguists work (languages of the world and writing systems), frame the discipline within its
    historical context, and look at how linguists acquire new data from previously undescribed languages
    (field linguistics). The book then turns to the traditional subdisciplines of linguistics. Here we have
    followed most linguistics books in starting from the bottom, grounding language first in the physical
    world of sound (phonetics) and moving up through the organization of sound in language
    (phonology), to the combination of sounds into words (morphology), and the combination of words
    into sentences (syntax). Meaning (semantics) usually comes next, on the grounds that it operates on
    words and sentences. These areas are traditionally said to form the core of linguistics, because they
    deal with the most formally structured aspects of language. Within the last few decades, however,
    linguists have come to realize that we cannot understand the most formally structured aspects of
    language without also understanding the way language is used to convey information (pragmatics) in
    conversation (discourse) and in literature, and the way language interacts with other aspects of
    society (sociolinguistics
    Fifty years ago, many of our chapters would have been absent from a book of this sort for the simple
    but dramatic reason that these fields of inquiry did not exist: language acquisition, multilingualism,
    sign language, neurolinguistics, computational linguistics, and all of the areas of applied linguistics to
    which we have devoted separate chapters (the one area of applied linguistics that did exist fifty years
    ago was language teaching
    The chapters are of a uniform length, approximately 10,000 words each, or about 25 printed pages.the reader. Applied linguistics is divided into several distinct areas that would be of interest to
    students and others who want to know what practical applications linguistics has. Because each of the
    applied linguistics chapters covers a more specialized area, these chapters are somewhat shorter than
    the rest (approximately 4,000 words each, or about 10 printed pages
    We have tried not to emphasize ideology, but rather to divide things up by empirical criteria having to
    do with the sorts of phenomena that a given field of inquiry covers. We have thought long and hard
    about whether some of the major areas, especially syntax and phonology, should be broken down
    further, with a chapter each on distinct theoretical approaches. Our final decision was not to
    subdivide by theoretical approaches, based on a bel ief that the reader's perspective is paramount in
    books like this: readers of a companion do not want to know what the latest controversy is about or
    who disagrees with whom or who said what when. Rather, they want to have a reasonable idea of what
    linguistics or some subarea of linguistics can tell them. The authors have been able to do so without
    going into the latest controversies, though these controversies may occupy the linguists’ everyday
    lives. The one area to which we have devoted more than one chapter is syntax, but this reflects the
    dominance of syntactic research in linguistics over the last half century
    We do not see this handbook as an introductory textbook, which would, for example, have questions
    or exercises at the end of each chapter. There are already enough introductory linguistics texts. We
    see it rather as an authoritative volume on what linguists know about language at the start of the
    twenty-first century. Each chapter covers the central questions and goals of a particular subdiscipline,
    what is generally accepted as known in that area, and how it relates to other areas
    When we embarked on this editorial enterprise, we expected to enjoy the interaction with many of our
    most distinguished colleagues that the preparation of this book would entail, which is so much easier
    now in the age of electronic correspondence. What we did not realize was how much we would learn
    from these colleagues about language and linguistics, simply from reading their work and discussing
    it with them. We thank all of the authors for this wonderful opportunity and we hope that the readers,
    too, will share in the same great pleasure.


  3. #3
    مترجم / أستاذ بارز الصورة الرمزية معتصم الحارث الضوّي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    أستاذنا الكبير بروفيسور دنحا
    إثر هذه المقدمة الرائعة، قمتُ بتثبيت الكتاب للفائدة العامة، وأدعو الجميع إلى الإطلاع عليه.


    منتديات الوحدة العربية
    مدونتي الشخصية

  4. #4
    أستاذ جامعي الصورة الرمزية محمد بن أحمد باسيدي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    شكرا لك أستاذنا دنحا على هذه الفوائد الجمة من حديقة اللغويات المعاصرة.
    أبو أحمد

    المجدُ للإنسانِ الحرِّ والأصيل
    الثابتِ الإيمانِ ذي المبدإِ النَّبيل

  5. #5
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية عبد العزيز ساطع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    شكرا استاذ دنحا الأستاذ الفاضل


    بقدر الكد تكتسب المعالي ومن طلب العلا سهر الليالي
    ومن رام العلى من غير كد أضاع العمر في طلب المحال
    تروم العز ثم تنام ليلا يغوص البحر من طلب اللآلي

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    شكرا أستاذنا القدير دنحا.

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    نشكر البروفسور دنحا لما يقدمه من مساعدات مجانية لطلابه

    يبدو ان الرابط لا يعمل ، ليتك ترفعه مرة اخرى دكتور حتى تتم الاستفادة


  8. #8
    بروفيسور ترجمة اللغة الإنجليزية الصورة الرمزية د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    Dear Iman,
    The book has just been forwarded to your mail.

    My pleasure.


  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    Very many thanks indeed

    All Respect

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    زمــــلائى المترجمين

    وصلنى للتو الكتاب بعدما ارسله البروفسور دنحا لى واوصانا برفعه للجميع

    تفضلوا التنزيل من هذا الرابط


    تحية للجميع

  11. #11
    معن محمد


    زميـــــــلـــــتي المحترمة فاطمة
    حاولت جاهداً تحميل الكتاب لكن دون جدوى
    اتمنى رفعه مرة اخرى

  12. #12
    معن محمد


    Dear Iman ,
    I'am sorry for calling you Fatima...I confess , I made a mistake...
    Would you please upload the book again.. I couldn't download it

    Your's Maan

  13. #13
    بروفيسور ترجمة اللغة الإنجليزية الصورة الرمزية د. دنحا طوبيا كوركيس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    أخي معن.
    أرسلت لك الكتاب على بريدك صباح هذا اليوم.


    د. دنحا

  14. #14
    أستاذ بارز الصورة الرمزية محمد الأكسر
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    أستاذنا الدكتور حنا
    لك خالص الشكر على ماتقوم به من خدمة للباحثين
    لكن أنا أيضاً أرجو إن تكرمت أن يرسل لي الكتاب إن لم يكن في ذلك مشقة ولكم خالص الشكر
    محمد الأكسر alaksar@hotmail.com
    دمتم بألف خير

  15. #15
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية سلطان بن سماح المجلاد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    شكرا لاهل العلم واصحاب الفكر على خدمة العلم

    استغفر الله الذي لااله الاهو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه

  16. #16
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    د. دنحا , لك كل اشكر على هذا العطاء ... ونرجوا ارساله الينا على البريد الالكتروني الاتي :
    تقبلوا خالص تحياتي.

  17. #17
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية علي العيسي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    شكرا جزيلا لك دكتور دنحا

  18. #18
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    السلام عليكم استاذي العزيز دنحا:-
    كم هو جميل ان نلتقي من جديد.........وكان العصفور يعود الى احضان عشه....والطفل الى صدر امه.....لقد كنت احد تلاميذك في كلية الاداب- قسم اللغة الانكليزية -جامعة الموصل ولكنني لم احظى بشرف تدريسك لي .لكنني حضيت بشرف مناقشتك لبحث تخرجي والذي حمل عنوان . A survey of Transformational Generative Grammar
    ولقد حصلت على عنوان الموقع من صديقي واخي وجاري الاستاذ سعيد ادريس سعيد . واتمنى الحصول على كتاب The Handbook of Linguistics ان كان ممكنا.علما انني لم استطع تحميل الكتاب من عدة مواقع وشكر لكم استاذي العزيز....

  19. #19
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية محمود الحجر
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    مشكور يا دكتور

  20. #20
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية طيف ماجد صباح
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: The Handbook of Linguistics

    أستاذي الكريم..جهد طيب..ولكن ..تفتح الصفحة ولا ينزل الملف..!؟


    لما قرب طلوع الفجر...هبت عاصفة رماد...هرول الجمع لإزالة الغبار...ولكن الحق يُقال...الفجر طلع من الجهة الخطأ..!

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