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can u find any grammatical mistake

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الموضوع: can u find any grammatical mistake

  1. #1
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية تسنيم رجب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي can u find any grammatical mistake

    Omar Al-Farooq & the American Classified Evidences…

    Written by: Muna Al'amd
    Translation: Tasneem Rajab

    On his way to the house of caliph hood, Omar Al-Farooq caught sight of a sinful deed being committed. He did not retaliate instantly & decided to consult his counselors. Omar who was considered the strongest & firmest man of his time, decided to wait in order to consult his apt companions. He is the same man about whom the companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) pleaded with Abu-Bakr not to appoint as the successor for caliph hood. They feared that he might prove harsh & hard to his people. He was a man of unyielding principles. He had an aura of power & gravity about him that made every man waver. When Abu-Bakr was warned of nominating Omar & reminded that he would have to answer before the Lord on the Day of Judgment, he replied confidently," you frighten me of God!! If he questions me I would answer him, "My Lord! I have nominated for them, the best among them."
    Omar, that steadfast & solemn man, was never impulsive in his decisions. He took his time& carefully reflected on any issue that came his way. He didn’t consider himself entitled to make any decisions of his own without the consult of his counselors. Even though it had something that he had seen with his own eyes, when he consulted his companions, they recommended that the man in question should be summoned up for reasoning. Omar did not take their decision as a blow to his ego & didn’t argue the matter, rather he ordered the man to be brought for inquiry.
    Contrary to what most of the present day rulers do, he never tried to twist the laws to make acceptable, a decision of his own desires. Never did he try to alter any principle or law, to free any man from the punishment he lawfully deserved. Also he never let his personal grudges drive him into punishing an innocent or any accused until justly convicted. Justice & Only Justice! was his motto. His ultimate belief was that he though the caliph, possessed no right before the Law that made him superior to any man of his nation. On the contrary, he had principles to implement & companions to consult.
    All this is so utterly different from what is observed in the conduct of the present day rulers. The Superior Powers & specifically, America are the guiltiest in this regard.
    They considered it their inborn right to accuse any one whom they wish of any crime they may choose, claiming that they have their classified reasons & secret information that prove what they say.
    The funny thing is when they talk so boldly about Human Rights, when scandals of Abu-Ghraib & Guantenamo hadn’t faded yet. They shamelessly lecture us in morals & ethics, when all they do is fabricate accusations & dump people in dungeons for suspicions of their own origin.
    According to an American attorney, "it is enough to call (not a major or minister) but a cop & tell him that there is, for instance, a Turkish restaurant in the neighborhood whose employers you suspect or don’t feel at ease with. This statement will be enough to arrest them & send them to Guantenamo where they are subjected to the most terrible, intolerable & oppressive torture. A torture that violated all Human Rights & under which any decent, sane man may be driven into confessing crimes like murdering his own parents when they still live healthy & sound.
    Though they had tried to hide the scandal, but its magnitude & arbitrariness made it impossible for them to conceal.
    Kofi Anan, whose conscious was awakened either because his tenure has approached to an end or because he got sick of the unending promises & vows that America has not stopped making but never tried to keep. Even he condemned & disapproved what was being done in Guantenamo.
    Never will I forget the image of that young man who had spent sometime in Abu-Ghreib & who when asked what was in there, he nervously covered his face with his hands while tears filled his eyes & said shakily," I can't… I can't say..." I wonder what on earth he had seen in there that had made him dumbstruck & mute, horrified of uttering any word that might drag him back into the oblivion.
    It's so sorrowful & heart shattering to see America till this day, practicing all these crimes in Iraq & still claiming that it had come to Iraq for nothing but to spread peace & tranquility. So that the Iraqi nation may live 'happily ever after' under the shade of democracy & freedom of which they had been deprived of for a long time!!
    I wonder how much man is oppressed & aggrieved in the name of Human Rights & Democracy!!

    أبي الإسلام لا أب لي سواه إذا افتخروا بقيس أو تميم

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Smile رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    أخت تسنيم, هل تسمحين بإرفاق النص بالترجمة العربية لتكون الأمور أكثر وضوحاً؟
    و شكراً

  3. #3
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية تسنيم رجب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    my pleasure

    عمر بن الخطاب والأدلة السرية الأمريكية ... !!
    في طريقه إلى دار الخلافة وقعت عينا الخليفة الراشد الثاني و الصحابي الجليل وأمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله تعالى عنه , وقعت عيناه على حد من حدود الله ! رأى عمر ألا يحدث أمرا قبل استشارة أصحابه , وتابع طريقه إلى دار الخلافة , ثم جمع أهل الحل والعقد وسألهم مستشيرا : ما ترون في أمير المؤمنين يرى حدا من حدود الله ؟
    كان كل الصحابة يعرفون صدق عمر فهو الذي استخلفه عليهم أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم , وهو الذي قال عندما خوفه بعض الصحابة من استخلاف عمر خشية أن يكون شديدا مع الرعية , ذلك لما عرف عنه من شدة في الحق , قال له بعضهم : ماذا تقول لربك حين تلقاه وقد وليت عمر على الرعية ؟ قال أبو بكر في حزم : أتخوفونني بالله ؟ أقول له قد استخلفت عليهم خيرهم .
    ولكن , هل قدره عند الله وعند رسوله بل وعند رعيته يجعل له هذه الخصوصية ؟ هل يجيز له وضعه كأمير للمؤمنين أن يأخذ أحدا من الرعية مكتفيا بشيء رآه ؟
    وهنا جاء الرد وفيه ما فيه من الجرأة والشجاعة الأدبية والحكمة , قال علي بن أبي طالب : البينة أو الحد يا أمير المؤمنين !!
    لم يغضب عمر ولم يثر , ولم يستنكر تمسك مستشاريه بحق المدعى عليه أن يكون للمدعي بينة تسوغ اتهامه ثم محاكمته , ولم يحاول ليّ أعناق النصوص وتطويعها لتكون في خدمته , ولم يغير دستور الدولة متذرعا بالمصالح العليا للرعية , بل تفهم عمر كما تفهم الصحابة أن خليفة المسلمين هو واحد منهم , مهما كانوا يثقون بعدالة عمر , وأن المسألة تشريع لهم ولمن يأتي من بعدهم إلى يوم القيامة . وأنه لا يمكن ضمن حدود شريعتنا الغراء أخذ إنسان بذنب إلا بدليل يعلن على الملأ لا يدع للمتهم حجة أو حتى شبهة حجة يدفع بها عن نفسه .
    فأين هذا الدرس من الساسة الأمريكان الذين وافقوا على اعتبار الأدلة السرية والاعتماد عليها في الحكم , وهم الذين لا يزالون يتشدقون ويتكلمون بملء أفواههم عن حقوق الإنسان بالرغم من فضائحهم التي لم تعد تخفى على أحد من جوانتانامو إلى أبو غريب إلى السجون السرية الأخرى التي بدأ التحدث عنها على استحياء في أوروبا وفي غيرها تلك التي لايعلم أحد أي عذاب هون يخفونه وراء جدرانها معتمدين في أحكامهم الزور على رؤاهم وخيالاتهم المريضة بالحقد الأسود .
    يكفي حسب قانونهم الجديد ــ كما شهدت محامية أمريكية من جلدتهم ــ تقول : يكفي أن يتصل أحد ما ( وليس أميرهم أو وزيرهم ) بالشرطة فيقول : " إن هناك على ناصية شارع كذا يوجد مطعم تركي ــ على سبيل المثال ــ لا أرتاح للذين يعملون فيه " , فتكون هذه العبارة وحدها كافية لسجنهم وربما تحويلهم بعد ذلك إلى جوانتانامو لإذاقتهم فنون العذاب , وقد يعترف أحدهم هناك أنه قتل أباه وأمه والناس أجمعين لما يروا من هول تشيب له الولدان مما شاهدنا وشاهد ( العالم الحر ) بعضا منه , وسمعنا في تقرير كوفي عنان الذي صحا من نومته متأخرا ربما لاقتراب نهاية فترة ولايته ولأنه أيس من جزرة أمريكا أو أمن من عصاها , سمعنا بعضا وربما كان ما خفي أعظم , وإن أنس لا أنسى شابا عراقيا شاهدته بأم عيني على شاشة إحدى القنوات الفضائية بعد خروجه من أبو غريب وقد سأله المذيع عما فعل به في السجن , بدا أنه يريد أن يتكلم لكنه غطى وجهه بيديه وأخذ يبكي ويردد : ( ما أقدر أقول ما أقدر أقول ) فأي هول رأت عيناه وأي عذاب احتمل وبأي حقوق الإنسان تمتع وراء قضبان ذلك السجن الرهيب ؟!! هذا ولا تزال أمريكا تصر على أنها ما جاءت إلى العراق إلا من أجل نشر الحرية والديمقراطية ليتمتع بها الشعب العراقي المنكود الذي انتقل من واقع أليم إلى واقع أشد ألما وأكثر قسوة حتى أصبح " ظلم ذوي القربى أخف مضاضة " من حرية أمريكا وديمقراطيتها .
    يا لهذا الإنسان كم يتعرض للظلم والمهانة باسم حقوق الإنسان !!

    أبي الإسلام لا أب لي سواه إذا افتخروا بقيس أو تميم

  4. #4
    مترجم / أدب إنجليزي
    من كبار أعضاء الجمعية
    الصورة الرمزية سامي خمو
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة تسنيم رجب مشاهدة المشاركة
    Omar Al-Farooq & the American Classified Evidences…
    Written by: Muna Al'amd
    Translation: Tasneem Rajab
    On his way to the house of caliph hood, Omar Al-Farooq caught sight of a sinful deed being committed. He did not retaliate instantly & decided to consult his counselors. Omar who was considered the strongest & firmest man of his time, decided to wait in order to consult his apt companions. He is the same man about whom the companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) pleaded with Abu-Bakr not to appoint as the successor for caliph hood. They feared that he might prove harsh & hard to his people. He was a man of unyielding principles. He had an aura of power & gravity about him that made every man waver. When Abu-Bakr was warned of nominating Omar & reminded that he would have to answer before the Lord on the Day of Judgment, he replied confidently," you frighten me of God!! If he questions me I would answer him, "My Lord! I have nominated for them, the best among them."
    Omar, that steadfast & solemn man, was never impulsive in his decisions. He took his time& carefully reflected on any issue that came his way. He didn’t consider himself entitled to make any decisions of his own without the consult of his counselors. Even though it had something that he had seen with his own eyes, when he consulted his companions, they recommended that the man in question should be summoned up for reasoning. Omar did not take their decision as a blow to his ego & didn’t argue the matter, rather he ordered the man to be brought for inquiry.
    Contrary to what most of the present day rulers do, he never tried to twist the laws to make acceptable, a decision of his own desires. Never did he try to alter any principle or law, to free any man from the punishment he lawfully deserved. Also he never let his personal grudges drive him into punishing an innocent or any accused until justly convicted. Justice & Only Justice! was his motto. His ultimate belief was that he though the caliph, possessed no right before the Law that made him superior to any man of his nation. On the contrary, he had principles to implement & companions to consult.
    All this is so utterly different from what is observed in the conduct of the present day rulers. The Superior Powers & specifically, America are the guiltiest in this regard.
    They considered it their inborn right to accuse any one whom they wish of any crime they may choose, claiming that they have their classified reasons & secret information that prove what they say.
    The funny thing is when they talk so boldly about Human Rights, when scandals of Abu-Ghraib & Guantenamo hadn’t faded yet. They shamelessly lecture us in morals & ethics, when all they do is fabricate accusations & dump people in dungeons for suspicions of their own origin.
    According to an American attorney, "it is enough to call (not a major or minister) but a cop & tell him that there is, for instance, a Turkish restaurant in the neighborhood whose employers you suspect or don’t feel at ease with. This statement will be enough to arrest them & send them to Guantenamo where they are subjected to the most terrible, intolerable & oppressive torture. A torture that violated all Human Rights & under which any decent, sane man may be driven into confessing crimes like murdering his own parents when they still live healthy & sound.
    Though they had tried to hide the scandal, but its magnitude & arbitrariness made it impossible for them to conceal.
    Kofi Anan, whose conscious was awakened either because his tenure has approached to an end or because he got sick of the unending promises & vows that America has not stopped making but never tried to keep. Even he condemned & disapproved what was being done in Guantenamo.
    Never will I forget the image of that young man who had spent sometime in Abu-Ghreib & who when asked what was in there, he nervously covered his face with his hands while tears filled his eyes & said shakily," I can't… I can't say..." I wonder what on earth he had seen in there that had made him dumbstruck & mute, horrified of uttering any word that might drag him back into the oblivion.
    It's so sorrowful & heart shattering to see America till this day, practicing all these crimes in Iraq & still claiming that it had come to Iraq for nothing but to spread peace & tranquility. So that the Iraqi nation may live 'happily ever after' under the shade of democracy & freedom of which they had been deprived of for a long time!!
    I wonder how much man is oppressed & aggrieved in the name of Human Rights & Democracy!!
    الأخت الفاضلة تسنيم رجب،
    ترجمتك ممتازة ولكنها تحتوي بعض الأمور التي تتطلب التعديل والتي لا تقلل من قيمة عملك الرائع. وقد أشرت إليها باللون الأحمر:

    House of the Caliphate
    Caliphate وردت مرتين أو ثلاث مرات
    time and
    Caliph - capital C
    were still alive, healthy and sound
    Guantanamo وردت عدة مرات
    some time

    ومن المستحسن تجنب استخدام & بدلا من and

    مع خالص الود،

    سامي خمو

  5. #5
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية تسنيم رجب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    brother سامي خمو
    ur additions are very accurate thank u so much i m indebted

    أبي الإسلام لا أب لي سواه إذا افتخروا بقيس أو تميم

  6. #6
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية تسنيم رجب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    wanted to ask :

    i have said "
    His ultimate belief was that he, though the Caliph, possessed no right before the Law that made him superior to any man of his nation

    i meant:

    His ultimate belief was that he inspite of being the caliph, possessed no right before the Law that made him superior to any man of his nation

    was my early statement when i used 'though' was wrong according to the english grammar?

    أبي الإسلام لا أب لي سواه إذا افتخروا بقيس أو تميم

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Unhappy رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم طاب يومك زميلة تسنيم
    شكراً جزيلاً لإرفاق النص العربي.
    أسمحي لي بالقول بأنك تمتلكين حسّاً عالياً في الترجمة.
    إليك تعليقي المتواضع على ترجمتك.
    caliphhood= caliphate
    the consult of= consulting
    employers= employees
    still live = are still alive
    sometime= some time
    freedom of which they had been deprived of=drop 1 of
    Guantenamo= Guantanamo
    أتمنى لك التوفيق.

  8. #8
    عـضــو الصورة الرمزية تسنيم رجب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: can u find any grammatical mistake

    thank u so much brother ibrahim muhammad that is very encouraging
    ur suggestions will be kept in mind.thanks again

    أبي الإسلام لا أب لي سواه إذا افتخروا بقيس أو تميم

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